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Model: Eleonora Savorelli

I'm Eleonora Savorelli, and I'm a contemporary art curator.

I’m based in Milan, where I study at NABA (Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti), in which I attend the course of Visual Arts and Curatorial Studies. In the past, I spent several months in Turin, for a couple internships in art galleries; and three years in Rome, where I graduated from the JohnCabot University. I also spent a semester in Athens, that was a very fulfilling experience.

Despite my main interest is contemporary art, I also enjoy doing photoshoots, and, in general, experimenting with photography.

Here you can find the links of my social networks' pages:

Through these photos, we were playing with shapes, shadows, and expressions: it was a natural praise to freedom and delicacy.

Photographer Carl Stacey

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