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Interview: Photographer Peter Kemp (Netherlands)

Can you tell us a little about you?

I am creating storytelling pictures. With just a quick look, you migth see a photo by using colors and scenery. But a longer look might open doors to other stories … In my scenes I focus on detail. All details are thought of long before my camera clicks. It takes preparation before everybody and everything is in place … How? by working together with my models, make-up artist, stylist and other creative people helping me out.

How and when did you get into photography?

I love to draw. So when digital cameras came into my world I loved to get the feed back on the screen of my camera. That was my start in creating pictures. I haven’t followed any formal training. My photography captures surreal, sometimes awkward situations. Featuring models dressed in vintage clothing, sometimes trying to vibrate with an uneasy tension that is intentional.

What does photography mean to you?

A way to express the stories which are running through my head all day. I love to work with creative people. Meeting them is a privilege. In fact it is the team which is pushing the release buttom of my camera.

Do you think in advance what you want in the picture ?

Sure all is carefully planned before my camera clicks …

Please briefly describe your photography style for our readers.

Vintage allows me to propose glamorous touches into my pics. By working with beautiful models and teammates into my projects. It is great to work together with creative people.

They are a key factor in setting up my story telling pictures. All credits to them …

In the street where I live there is a shop with old costumes! Two friends do help me a lot with setting up the lights and creating the aettings.

Where do you get inspiration from?

All things inspire me. Not photography in particular, but paintings, movies and literature can inspire me. I am living in Holland in a city called Delft. Delft was once inhabited by the famous Dutch painter Johannes Vermeer. I love the Dutch painters. But regulart things I come across in life are also my inspiration.

Studio, on location or both?

Both. But most of the time studio, sometimes on location.

Would you consider yourself a hobbyist or a paid professional?

Not important at all … I do what I like to do …

What has been your most memorable session and why?

All sessions do have their own fun. But creating pictures of Dutch classical painter Cornelis le Mair and be able to visit his house and portray him in his studio was great!

Nikon or Canon? Favorite lens?

I use my Hasselblad camera with a 55-110 mm lens, on a tripod. But … I don’t bother too much about technique … I try to use my creativity!

What is one piece of advice you would like to offer a new photographer looking to start their own business?

Follow your own ideas… don’t copy, but follow your own feelings and instinct.

What do you think of our new magazine?

Great initiative ... great magazine ... keep up your great work!

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