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Interview: Model Marie Dew (France)

Foto van schrijver: ModellenlandModellenland

Can you tell us a little about you?

I'm a French multidisciplinary artist. I do collage, performances, I write song lyrics, I create volumes, I'm a photographer (I do a lot of self portraits) and of course, I'm a model! The performer type.


If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?

I would be 15 years younger...with today's “wisdom” and life experience... not bad, huh?


How did you start modelling?

By pure chance, actually. A photographer told me he liked my face, that he saw on some social media, and asked me to model for him. At that time, I thought of myself as non photogenic but since I love challenges and new experiences, especially the collective and creative type, I just tried, thinking I didn't have much to lose. And … oh, surprise! I enjoyed what I saw! I even found a great means of expression in modelling. And from that day, I never stopped!


What do you think of the work as a model?

I love it! It's such a great way to get confidence in yourself. To me, it's also a straightforward opportunity to express yourself; you don't need long years learning, to do it right, as long as you do it sincerely and with generosity and open-mindedness. Modelling lead me to meet and work with so many different and  creative people, mostly photographers but also other models. It took me to so many foreign places! Working as a model was also the first step for me to get where I am now. Diving into the photography world, its codes and making-of secrets, its exhibitions and opening nights, made me become a photographer myself, and a more global artist after that.


What is your beauty regimen?

I'm not sure I have one... Well, I'm a sleeper and I've always been a  vegie freak but I seldom resist the call of pizza and beer, haha. I guess yoga helps!


What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others?

I'm a very creative person: too many ideas, not enough time! Photographers usually acknowledge that I can do a good job without being directed. I just need to know and appreciate the photographer's universe, get his or her general intention in this particular project, and a good connection with him or her to start moving, feeling and expressing. It's just amazing when you look at a unique picture and though, you can distinguish clearly both the model's and the photographer's singularity, like two signatures in one work .


What are your plans for the future?

As far as modelling is concerned, I hope to go on, posing in the nude as I often do, until I'm a very old lady. I hope to have the courage to assume this very good  friend that is my body, till the end, and regard it as beautiful despite its apparent decay.  And look at all the wrinkles and stains and scars as meaningful memories of my long (let's hope!) and rich life.


What are some of your favorite experiences so far?

I remember wearing a bikini in the snow, I remember walking naked in a wood and feeling the caress of the sun on my skin,  I remember hanging in a staircase attached by a rope, I remember modelling for two weeks by the sea for a photographer who became one of my best friends, I remember dressing out for opening parties in Arles,  I remember bathing in a Swiss river, between the tree roots, with a scary bird mask on, I remember posing in a cool cave by an underground river in the hottest day on a hot summer, I remember enchanted evenings with other models and photographers in a wonderful old house in Burgundy, I remember taking the lift though I'm claustrophobic, I remember having so much fun with a pack of flour, I remember trying to talk Spanish with a photographer and just letting it go, I remember taking many trains to many places... So many pictures remind me of so many graceful moments!


Do you have any advice for those who want to start modelling?

“Be yourself, everyone else is already taken”, as Oscar Wilde said.

Be curious, be open-minded, but remember it is ALWAYS OK to say no to something you don't feel comfortable with, whatever it is.


What do you think of the magazine?

It' s really impressive that you can offer such a quality content for free! I really appreciate that the photographies are so varied and numerous. Also, the particularity of this magazine is that it focuses on humans, diverse human and body expressions, shown through so many different point of views and sensibilities. I think it would be great, though, to highlight more male models.                

Ernesto Timor

Bart Boodts

Benoit Chapon

Carmen Palermo

Alain Pré

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Self Portrait (post prod by Alan Cat)

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Northern Lights

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Marc Dubord

JF Mougenot

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François Nagir

François Benveniste

Francis Malapris

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