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Interview: Model Katarzyna Lewicka (Poland)

Can you tell us a little about you?

Hello everyone. My name is Kasia Lewicka. I'm 19 years old. I'm a freelancer model from Poland. From my youngest years I'm travelling through Poland by bus and train. Being on the road makes me feel happy and free, shows me that the world provides me with many abilities. Long roads don't make me tired. I love the feeling of living out of the suitcase, it's something that makes me want to go on.

If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?

For me, it's my height. I'd like to be higher. It would increase my chance to get a job as a professional model. That's what i'm saying to myself. I'm trying not to think about it as a disadvantage, and forge it into one of my pros. Even without professional model agency I'm good with the photo-sessions.

How did you start modelling?

My story with modeling started very simple. Two years ago, a friend of mine was looking for a model for a session to thesis for her uni. I found the courage and loved the feelings of flashes. Today, being in front of the camera makes me feel natural, but exciting.

What do you think of the work as a model?

Many people don't respect modeling as a work; thinking it's an easy job. Simple cash. I respect this job and people who's doing it because of the risk they're taking, by living a passion for whole their lifes. On this job there are many people for our places. The salary is not high and stable. Against all stereotypes being model is mentally and physically tiring. My passion for it is compensating this stress and gives me fuel to cimb up higher in the career ladder. In my opinion, the most important thing is networking- if you're not working with the agency. Mainly, thanks to people and friends I'm here today, while You're reading this interview. Building relations with others is one of the most important things.

What is your beauty regimen?

I don't have tips for that. Over more than a year, I'm regularly participating in photo-sessions. My face complexion was in better or worse conditions. I'm proud that it didn't stop me in front of the camera. I'm always using dermatological cosmetics everyday. Good hydration is the basic of the care, along with the spf-50 cream. Everyday I take my time to sleep, trying to spend my free time with many activities.

What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others?

I'm my own person. I often talk about my feelings, what's stressing or worrying me. When I speak about things hard for me, it's easier to build relations with others on a personal level. I think it's my own way to get free from stress and negative feelings. I love to share hugs and laughs. My close friends call me 'Teddy'. It's nice to make a positive energy and be the one who builds it.

What are your plans for the future?

I dream to stay here as long as I can. I fell in love with people, the atmosphere of home that they all make aroud. I feel safe within them. I will be a model for a few more years. I want to test out how the advertisement agencies will react to my appearance. I'm still fresh here, testing out the grounds, where I can still make a step into. Later, I got that feeling in my bones, I'll stand on the other side of the camera. This decision is still growing within me.

What are some of your favorite experiences so far?

The best thing i met are open-air photographs. Poland has the most organized people who want to spend their own time to share knowledge and experience. In meantime, while im building a life-time lasting bond of friendships, I'm receiving beautiful publications like one, in the Vogue Italia.

Do you have any advice for those who want to start modelling?

To all people who want to start - be yourself, plain and simple. Be a good man. Start with TFP works, check what do You like, if it's truly Your life thing. I encourage everybody to take TFP jobs before a job with the model agency. But remember, You can achieve everything, if You believe in Yourself. Nothing will be stopping You more, than Yourself.

What do you think of the magazine?

I get the beauty in the idea behind it. Clean and selfless. Many thanks to You, for Your work, because You allow people like me to appear, people who're beginning this whole journey. I'm proud that Your magazine is growing throughout the whole world.

Facebook: Katarzyna Lewicka

Photo Eva Sen

Photo Eva Sen

Photo Eva Sen

Photo Marianna Peruń-Filus

Photo Magdalena Mol

Mua Kasia Maria Kramnik

Hair Magdalena Gaja Kapelan

Designer Katarzyna Konieczka

Organization Monika Bojsan

Photo Tomasz Rybczyński

Photo Agata Pop

Designer Franciszek Drozdowski

Photo Agata Pop

Photo Tomasz Rybczyński

Designer Franciszek Drozdowski

Photo Dorota Górecka

Photo Titus Poplawski

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