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Interview: Model Kristina Grinkiewicz (Ukraine)


Can you tell us a little about you?

I am from Ukraine, I had studied Pharmacy and International Marketing, then I had been working as a Medical Representative for few years. I had always been interested in Modeling and Acting, so I had been looking for the opportunities. Finally, at 24 years old I signed my first model contract, I quit my job and I went to Milan. Acting is my main passion, so for now I am focusing on getting into the industry.

My other interests are languages (I speak six), hip-hop culture (my favorite artist is Eminem), music, dancing and psychology.

If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?

I would not change anything, because I like myself as I am. I think it is important for all the people to maintain their individuality, but of course, it is also important to pay attention to your negative traits and something that you should improve in yourself to achieve the higher level of the self-growth.

How did you start modelling?

When I was 15, I was in the supermarket with my family. Then some people approached me and told me that I should be a model, they introduced themselves as the model scouters. But my father was radically against it, so I did not start back then, but after that situation I had this idea in my mind and kept looking for the new opportunities. The next chance for me to start it appeared when I was 24. I started to live with a new flatmate, a girl who used to be a model in the past. She told me a lot of stories about it and also gave me an idea of how should I start. At the moment, she was looking for an agency for a representation herself, so she helped me to find one as well. I am grateful for that the things happened exactly this way, as I think that if I had done it in the earlier age, I would not be as wise as at 24, and probably, the things would be different.

What do you think of the work as a model?

I think that this work requires a strong focus on your goals, because it is easy to get distracted. Model environment is very competitive, so you should also maintain your competence by staying in shape, paying attention to your overall image, what are you doing, who you are talking with. You never know how this or another action can influence your career.

The work itself is rich of diversity, as it allows you to travel all around the world, meet different people, improve your skills by working with professionals in the industry from various countries.

What is your beauty regimen?

The basic rules are to get enough sleep, and it is more important to do it in the right hours. When you sleep before midnight, you get more rest and refresh yourself. Also it is crucial to drink water all the time, it cleans your body from the inside, helps you to stay hydrated and fasten all the processes in your body. Green vegetables, citrus, berries, raw fish are full of useful elements that help your skin and hair to be revitalized.

What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others?

I am a believer. There is nothing impossible for me. It is important to listen to yourself and remain true to yourself, then you don’t encounter any problems or wrong paths in your life. But it’s important to listen.

I would say that I am also an empath, it is a person that can feel the other people’s emotions instinctively. That helps also in work, as sometimes I don’t have to be told what to do during the work, as I already understand what a photographer or a director might want to get as an outcome. This trait helps in many situations a lot.

What are your plans for the future?

At this moment I am planning to move to Paris at least for a year, to do acting there. This city has very powerful energetics and attracts wonderful people who can gather and create something together. After that, I would like to go to Los Angeles and enter acting industry. I have already visited it in the past and met some people, now I am pretty sure that I will come back and follow my goals.

What are some of your favorite experiences so far?

One of my favorite experiences was a shooting for an Art exhibition in Paris for an artist who I encountered quite randomly via Facebook, his name is Maxime Llorans. Then we met to discuss the idea of the shooting and the next meeting we were already doing it. The idea was to cover me with the white paint and make few monochrome photos and video while I was taking the peaceful positions. I really enjoeyed this shooting and the vibes during it. It has been 4 years, but I still have positive memories about it.

The other one was when I was in the club of Milan, Byblos, and I was at the table with other people. There was a young guy (Bogdan Plakov) who told me he was a photographer and he would like to make a shooting with me. I don’t know why, but I felt it would be a great experience, and it was true. The idea of the shooting was to put me in the bath with water, dressed in the white shirt and Timberland shoes, and then to pour milk all over me. The photographer was with his friends, one holding the light reflector, the other one pouring milk. They also gave me some chocolate cookies. The atmosphere was really warm and positive, it is quite rare when you connect to people that fast and feel like you are close with them spiritually.

Do you have any advice for those who want to start modelling?

My advice would be not to quit education for modeling, as modeling is temporarily, but education is something that would remain and give you the sense of stability. At the same time, you can start with modeling and do your highest education after, as modeling will give you something more important, such as life experience, enduring different life situations with different people in different places. This is something more valuable.

The other advice would be to start as early as you can, as youth is appreciated higher in this business. And also I would recommend to educate yourself about this industry first, talking to the people who already do it, reading the interviews, watching reviews on YouTube.

What do you think of the magazine?

I think that Modellenland is a very interesting and inspiring magazine, I like the idea of what they are doing, their selection of the topics and their style, sharing the inspiring stories of the other people nd emerging the artists. It is great that submissions are accepted also from the other countries.

Photo by Serdar AYYildiz, Samsun, Turkey

Photo by Arash Khaksari, Brand CHarlyze Jewellery, MUA Magharian Siran, Paris, France

Parisian. Shoot by DocMarlon Pecjo, Paris, France

Ph Alexander Gomeniuk, Kiev, Ukraine

Noiretblanc project by Julien Mignot, Paris, France

Lookbook for Francesca Ciani, photo by Alberto Degano, MUA by Terni Federico

Editorial for Anonimo, photo by Kuosner, MUA Alice Maggioni (2)

Editorial for Anonimo, photo by Kuosner, MUA Alice Maggioni (3)

Lookbook for Francesca Ciani, photo by Alberto Degano, MUA by Terni Federico

Editorial for Anonimo, photo by Kuosner, MUA Alice Maggioni

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