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Interview : Model Anabelle Carette (France)


Can you tell us a little about you?

So my name is Anabelle Carette I’m 20 years old. I’m acting and modeling in Paris and before that I used to be a pro swimmer ! I’m english, American and French so basically bilingual..

I just launched my Nutrition Magazine : MISS CARETTE MAGAZINE NUTRITION which shares easy recipes, quotes, tips and hacks for a trendy, easy and healthier lifestyle.

If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?

Probably my impatience… I am a very impatient and hyperactive person,I want to learn and move and do everything right now at this moment at the same time. But with time I learnt to cope with it and the meditation that I do everyday helps a lot !

How did you start modelling?

I started modeling quite by chance, it wasn’t really my goal, when I stopped swimming I lost my muscles and everything so I was slimmer and more feminine. From there, people started telling me to try modeling and some photographers and agents scouted me, I also applied to agencies. I was really curious about modeling ! And then it all started when I signed with my mother agency : you do a shoot, then a second, then a catwalk, and it goes on ! It was even better when I arrived in Paris. Much more work.

What do you think of the work as a model?

Honestly I love it ! Even though it’s a tough work especially when you do e-commerce and you go through so many castings in a day, I love it since I’m quite hyperactive. You also get to meet so many people, artists, places, you travel a lot, you get to wear amazing clothes and I love posing too haha ! But the only comment I’ll make is that you have to be careful, it happens to come across weird people who have certain demands if you know what I mean..

What is your beauty regimen?

Very simple : try to stay as natural as possible ! First of all I never wear make up, I always let my skin breathe (I only wear it when I go out or for model work obviously). Then I am very lucky I only love healthy foods, I’m not really into fast foods or oily greasy foods which aren’t really good for the skin. So eat simple natural and non transformed foods. And exercise a little even if it’s just a long walk to let endorphins out !

What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others?

Well I would say I’m a very simple person. I am very curious, I love cultivating myself (reading, arts, languages, maths), I am a very determined person, laziness doesn’t exist for me. And also I’ve had many though experiences in life that made me very strong mentally and physically today.

What are your plans for the future?

I’m really into art, I have an artistic project I’m currently working hard on that will be launched soon ! Continue modeling and acting as long as I can. And of course continue with MISS CARETTE Magazine Nutrition. I only have short-term and mid-term projects because I think so many unexpected things can happen in life.

What are some of your favorite experiences so far?

I would say first of all my swimming career. It was very tough, training 5 hours a day no matter what, this made me very strong. Then comes modeling, I met so many amazing people, traveled to beautiful places especially since I live in Paris. I’ve been to many countries around the world and discovering all of them and the different cultures was just a blast !!

Do you have any advice for those who want to start modelling?

Well I would say first of all be yourself, stay natural, don’t over do it, really. Being yourself is the most beautiful thing ever. Second of all be confident and don’t be afraid to talk to people, contact them and say what you have to say. Third of all and last, be careful for any strange demands or people who ask you to pay for something. Never ever you should pay for anything.

What do you think of the magazine?

MODELLENLAND MAGAZINE is really awesome ! The pictures are really amazing, and good quality. It is an honest magazine where you can discover new models and new concepts. Very artistic and pro just how I like it. It is also very interesting to get the opinion and advice of models around the world. I totally recommend it !!


INSTAGRAM : @anabellecarette / @misscarette_magazine

Photographer: Zach Tran MUA: Shannon Vick

Photographer: Zach Tran MUA: Shannon Vick

Photographer: Marina Os MUA: Anna Vereta Clothing: Tatyana Kochnova

Photographer: Nicolas Kartinka Clothing: Vintage shop Paris

Photographer: Nicolas Kartinka Clothing: Vintage shop Paris

Photographer: Nicolas Kartinka Clothing: Vintage shop Paris

MUA: Nessy beauty Photographer: Philippe delaisement

Photographer: Marina Os MUA: Anna Vereta Clothing: Tatyana Kochnova

Photographer: Theo Robin

Meyer Clothing: Numa Figuccia

MUA : Sophie Lecompte

Photographer: Marina Os MUA: Anna Vereta Clothing: Tatyana Kochnova

Photographer: Marina Os MUA: Anna Vereta Clothing: Tatyana Kochnova

Photographer: Philippe Jeury MUA : Dana Thomas-Rees Clothing : Chewö couture

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