Interview: Model Ainsley Ross (USA)
Can you tell us a little about you?
I’m Ainsley Ross an international artist, actress, stunt woman, author, singer-songwriter, influencer, director, and extreme martial artist.
Originally from a small town of 800 people in Beckville, TX, I moved to California to pursue all of these passions! I’m very grateful to be able to share these art forms with everyone. I believe in being the change you wish to see in the world!
If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?
I wouldn’t change anything honestly. Each and every beautiful imperfection that I have, has made me the person I am meant to be in life. If I changed any of that, I wouldn’t be who I am or where I am at today.
How did you start performing?
I got into performing music when I was 12 years old. That was when I branched out into performances, and shows, etc. I started off a songwriter, and had to honestly learn the whole new world of performing. My first performance was at a showcase in front of over 2,000 people. From that experience I learned to view the stage as my comfort rather than a fear.
What do you think of the work as a actress/model?
I feel like any job you attain (as an actress or a model) , you feel so grateful for all of the hard work it took to get there! The industry is ever growing and it “waxes and wanes” with opportunities. I love my workforce, and the artistic creative atmosphere it constantly portrays. Therefore you have to be smart in all of your choices!
What is your beauty regimen?
Witch-hazel is my biggest beauty secret. I wash my face off with water, and then take a cloth with witch-hazel and cleanse my face once in the morning and once at night. I also try to show myself a little (self love) and do a clay mask once a week! This leaves my face glowing, and refreshed. Witch-Hazel also prevents break outs from occurring.
What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others?
I would have to say my positivity, and Perspective on life.
What are your plans for the future?
My plan is to be the CEO of my own company, use my voice for the good positive “influencing”, remain active in the industry, and graduate as an OTA (Occupational Therapist Assistant). Then eventually get married, and have children. In my life I would love to leave behind a legacy that inspires, and strengthens others.
What are some of your favorite experiences so far?
Working on the set of “Should I Do It” as the lead Mia Hill, and working as Ophelia on Seven Lions projects! Working on “Should I do it” was so much fun, and we bonded together as a cast to bring the story behind this series to life! This series delves into very real scenarios. I also loved working on Seven Lions “Ocean” and filming underwater from 6pm. to 6am. It was unlike any experience I have ever endured! It tested my abilities as an actress, which made me enjoy working on the project even more!
Do you have any advice for those who want to start acting/modeling?
I would say “Believe in the Beauty of your Dreams.” Know what you stand for in life and your goals! Allow your passion to drive and propel you, and don’t be desperate! Never stop learning, and create opportunities for yourself, even when you are presented with none. Invest in your future!
I admire the questions asked in this magazine, and the variety of artist it portrays! This magazine allows viewers to really connect and be a part of each artists journey!
Insta: @ainsley_ross
FB: Ainsleyrosstheartist
Twitter: @iamainsleyross
Photo credit Aubrey Cohorst