Interview: Model Morticia Avery ( United Kingdom, England )
Tell us about you
Well I’m a Northern girl living in the city of Leeds… I am a little weird, wacky and nuts but that’s just how I like it! Though I have spent most of my life in Leeds, I have the aspirations to travel to as many beautiful locations around the world as I can, meeting people that are just as adventurous as myself to share experiences with. I spend most of my time looking for new and creative things to do to challenge myself. I’ve got a huge list of things I’ve challenged myself to do over the years such as working in the magnificent location of Greece working as a spa Therapist, Blacksmithing - I made my own blade in a day which was pretty wild, Woodcrafting- I made my own antique chest & Garden Bench but I have a lot more I want to learn, Wakeboarding, Reiki Energy Healing and so on… But also spend a lot of my time with my family. I have a crazy family I must admit, but we’re all a little crazy! I have the cutest great grandmother who I adore who cracks out the most hilarious crude jokes at 90! Inspiring woman.
If you could change anything about yourself what would it be?
Firstly I would love to be covered in killer ink but that costs some serious money for it to be done right. I have always had this thing about my nose and I’ve thought about getting it done but then bounce back thinking hmm changing your nose is a huge thing. Like what if I came out looking like completely different women not sure if I wanna tango with that. So I mainly just like to change thing up once in a while, fresh ink is always my number one go too! But I would like a bigger butt… I could work with that and I would never pass down some power abs too!
How did you start modelling?
It was rather dip my toe in and see how the water is kind of introduction to modelling, I think I was maybe around 19 or 20 years old at the time and I had people throughout the years asking me if I had ever thought of modelling and I just always brushed it off as a foolish idea. I hadn’t ever thought of myself as the type to strut my stuff behind the camera (to be honest I wasn’t sure I had the image for it as I always thought it was an industry of the more feminine ladies as opposed to a more rocker kind of scene) but as I said before I always like a challenge. So off I went for my first set of images taken at a model agency in London, this was a rather odd experience for me. I was called over to what was bright lights surrounding large mirrors, a woman who then spent the next hour applying makeup to my face and fixing up my hair. I put on my outfit and walked to the studio and was asked to do my thing (I must admit I looked like a Russian doll but after a while I loosened up and relaxed into it)
The time came to view my photos and I just remember my heart pounding as I remembered my that my friend was with me and the sudden dread of feeling like I may have been way out of my depth but up the photos popped and well it was my friends reaction of surprise followed by my jaw dropping. I remember thinking there is no way that’s me in that photo. And BAM! Thats how I ended up where I am today - though modelling has always been part time for me due to working full time in the Spa industry and then working in the homeless community but I’ve been able to put a lot more of my time and focus into my modelling which has opened a whole new creative side to my work. Of course along the way I met some very supportive photographers who are now wonderful long term friends who helped shape and build my confidence to bring out the inner wild creative lioness you now see today!
What do you think of the work of a model?
It’s no sugar coated candy cane field of ease that everyone may think, these models work very hard to get to a certain standard of work. It takes years of practice, research, promoting, time and effort to get yourself where you need to be then you can build. Remember these ladies can sometimes be standing 8 hours whilst multiple photographers can be snapping away. Its a competetive industry and you most definitely to have a strong mindset and passion for the industry for as in any industry there will be people that will challenge you along the way, you just have to be able to brush it off and stick to what you love! I mean these models even battle through all types of weather conditions - I’ve battled through the Yorkshire Dales grizzly icy wind in the Nude just to capture that one image that myself and the photographer are searching for that would make you stop and think because that’s what its all about, the viewer and how they just stop for a moment to wonder and their perspective on creative aspect of the image itself.
What is your Beauty regimen?
I have always been very good with keeping up with my beauty regimen, what with working in the Beauty / Spa industry for 8 years. Though my regimen has recently changed - I have always stuck with Dermalogica as I have always felt these where the best products for results. Firstly I use their Pre-Cleanse (this is my all time favourite and I swear by it) as this is a very oily nourishing cleanser which lifts makeup from the skin instantly and is perfect for sensitive skins as this is very soothing, you can even use this around the eyes to lift eye makeup. I then use Dermalogica’s Ultra calming Cleanser, Multivitamin toner, once a week I well exfoliate my skin with Skin prep scrub, Tone again, I then apply eye serum and then active moist moisturiser. Though recently I have been swapping out my moisturiser with Lush’s Argan Naked Facial oil, is my new permenant swap! I also keep up with my other beauty aspects as I have my home beauty equipment so I do my own waxing regularly, I do my own Gel manicures and pedicures regularly. I exfoliate my body weekly and apply moisturiser daily and occasionally treat myself to a foot soak wish lush products and foot mask!
What are your personal qualities that distinguish you from others?
Hmmm this one I struggled to answer… its rather odd trying to talk about your own distinguishable qualities but then I just stopped and remembered the things people have told me over the years. I have been told I have a positive aura and a big heart which I would like to think I do, I mean I care a lot for others wellbeing and will always try my best to make others smile. I get told I am weird a lot haha which yes I can completely agree with, I am a complete odd ball but theres never a dull day!
What are your plans for the future?
I haven’t got too many long term plans if I am honest, I enjoy seeing where life takes me along the way. Though my next more upcoming plan is to move abroad to the beautiful location of New Zealand with my wonderful partner before planning our next travel adventure whilst learning lots of new skills and new challenges to keep being the best that we can be and for myself to keep meeting as many people across the world in industry as I possibility can! :D
What are some of your favourite experiences so far?
My most memorable experiences so far must be that of my time living in Greece where I met my partner. I had the opportunity to see so many beautiful places and meet so many incredible people along the way. My favourite was waking up, walking to the beach with my partner, getting on that ski boat and going wakeboarding - Gosh there is no feeling like it!
Ive had some amazing experiences in the model industry too but we would be here all day if I listed them all ha, so ill just say one of most favourites… A very good photographer Manny Teh has taken me on some amazing location adventures shooting with smoke bombs, visiting abandoned locations and even shooting with drones. He is one killer photographer!
Do you have any advise for those who want to start modelling?
If modelling is an industry you are really interested in getting into then go for it, I would say to come in with an open mind and understand things won’t happen over night, you have to work at it fort what could be years to come but if you truly are passionate about the industry then there will be no bounds. Stay true to yourself and stick with your gut instinct as unfortunately its no surprise there are a lot of photographers out there that are looking to push a model levels inappropriately for their own needs which has happened to myself before and from experience this can really impact on your confidence.You should stand your ground and openly report them on the industry platforms so they are blacklisted.
But mostly just have fun with your creative outlook and have fun meeting all times of creative people in the industry.
What do you think of the magazine?
I think it’s a place where passionate creative people in the industry can collectively share their high quality work and get to know more about where the creative aspect of the creators work stemmed from and about the people behind the work themselves. It’s wonderful that it allows work from across the globe to come together and view work from across the world!
Instagram - @morticiaavery_model
Facebook- Morticia Avery
Twitter - @AveryMorticia
Website -

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