Interview: Model Giusy Reina (Italy)
Can you tell us a little about you?
My name is Giusy I am 28 years old I am Sicilian from Bronte a small town in the province of Catania but I have been living in Milan for 9 years.
I love and follow the world of fashion a lot, I also love the world of make-up.
If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?
With the premise that I accept what I am, the only thing I would have liked is a few centimeters more in height.
How did you start modelling?
Three years ago I made for the first time a photo shooting incredulous that I might like this but immediately afterwards it turned into a real passion that I cultivate day after day.
What do you think of the work as a model?
We models are professionals and it is not easy to do this job which requires a lot of dedication and passion to express yourself and what you want to interpret.
What is your beauty regimen?
The external beauty satisfies the eye. Inner beauty fascinates the heart.
Furthermore, I believe that humility and simplicity are the two true sources of beauty.
What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others?
My determination and constancy in pursuing and realizing my dreams, my extroverted and solar character that allows me to face life in the best way despite difficult periods.
What are your plans for the future?
I have many plans and plans for the future, one of which will become an international model.
What are some of your favorite experiences so far?
Given that each experience has taught me something, one of my favorites is being inside a book published in New York and the various fashion magazines in which I figure.
Do you have any advice for those who want to start modelling?
The main advice is to always try, to make your passions and personalities known, a lot of determination and I would also add a bit of luck to meet the right person who knows how to see further and knows how to make the most of you.
What do you think of the magazine?
I consider it an excellent very popular magazine that provides models to make themselves known in the world of fashion and take advantage of it to thank them for being part of it.
Model GIUSY REINA @reinagiusy

Photographer:Marco Zurri @marco_zurry_photography Mua: Zo Malalatiana @zu_titina

Photographer:Marco Zurri @marco_zurry_photography Mua: Zo Malalatiana @zu_titina

Photographer:Amedeo Caporrimo @amedeo_ama_caporrimo Producer: Davide Giunta @giunta_davide Mua: Valentina Viganò @valentina_vi_ Retoucher: Andrea Saluti @andreasaluti

Photographer:Amedeo Caporrimo @amedeo_ama_caporrimo Producer: Davide Giunta @giunta_davide

Photographer:Amedeo Caporrimo @amedeo_ama_caporrimo Producer: Davide Giunta @giunta_davide

Photographer + stylist: Miriam Ognibene @miriameverywell Mua + Fashion Designer: Mary Lauricella @mary.lauricella89 Producer: Davide Giunta @giunta_davide Backstage photographer: Elisa Eleonora Milano @elionor73milano Video maker: Susanna Yu Bai @susannayubai

Photographer + stylist: Miriam Ognibene @miriameverywell Mua + Fashion Designer: Mary Lauricella @mary.lauricella89 Producer: Davide Giunta @giunta_davide Backstage photographer: Elisa Eleonora Milano @elionor73milano Video maker: Susanna Yu Bai @susannayubai

Photographer:Francesca Prezzavento @francescaprezzaventophoto Mua: Stefania Baldoni @stefaniabaldoni Fashion Designer: Ida Muccio @idamuccio
Producer: Davide Giunta @giunta_davide Video maker: Francesco Virzì @francesco_virzi_citarra

Photographer:Marco Zurri @marco_zurry_photography
Mua: Zo Malalatiana @zu_titina

Photographer + stylist: Miriam Ognibene @miriameverywell Mua + Fashion Designer: Mary Lauricella @mary.lauricella89 Producer: Davide Giunta @giunta_davide Backstage photographer: Elisa Eleonora Milano @elionor73milano Video maker: Susanna Yu Bai @susannayubai

Photographer: Francesca Prezzavento @francescaprezzaventophoto Mua: Stefania Baldoni @stefaniabaldoni Producer: Davide Giunta @giunta_davide

Photographer: Marco Zurri @marco_zurry_photography Mua: Ilaria Calabrese @ilariacalabrese_mua