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Interview: Model Ylenia La Verde (Italy)


Can you tell us a little about you?

My name’s Ylenia and I’m from Pisa (that’s where the Leaning Tower is!). I currently live in Venice with my boyfriend. I have a passion for everything Japanese (I’ve even studied the language at university). I love the sea and the sunset, and adore dachshunds.

If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?

First of all, I’m too lazy for my own taste, so I’d like to change that. Also, I think I could achieve more by believing in myself more.

How did you start modelling?

It all started because one of my friends was a photographer. I’ve always been a creative person, and when he asked me to participate in one of his shootings, I found modelling to be a great creative outlet.

What do you think of the work as a model?

I think it’s an amazing opportunity, but I don’t think it’s all roses either. It surely can be a very creative and expressive world, with lots of inspirations to take, and lots of interesting people that can help you grow as an individual and as a creative. Modelling can also be very liberating, helping you discover,(or re-discover) sides of your personality that you didn’t know were there. In that sense, I believe it can be therapeutic. However, it’s also full of people that aim to take advantage of you, so beware!

What is your beauty regimen?

Regular work outs and healthy diet are the basics. Also don’t forget your skin care, both morning and night.

What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others?

When I’m into something, I pour myself into that like nobody else. I also try to always keep my feet on the ground, and I think that cannot be said about many in the modelling world.

What are your plans for the future?

I’d like to perfect my English and Japanese language skills, and live abroad (away from Italy). I’d also like to travel more and explore the world.

What are some of your favourite experiences so far?

One of the best shootings I took part in was in Torino, along my friend and room mate Silvia Sandri. The project, called “Hèron Cendrè” was inspired to the movie “The Piano”, and my friend (who’s a clothing designer), designed the dress I wore in the shooting. The aim was to capture both the intense drama of the film, and the daintiness of the Victorian style.

Another memorable experience was in Venice. The project’s name was “After the Storm” (Dopo la Tempesta). I worked along an abstract photographer and us models wore dresses based on her photographs. The location was also amazing: it was an abandoned water bus on the Venetian shore that was transformed into a small museum.

The project’s aim was to show the world that Venice could rise from its ashes (after the Aqua Alta that hit the island in January-February)

Do you have any advice for those who want to start modelling?

I know it’s not easy especially at the beginning, but you have to believe in yourself.

Go out there without being afraid of failure or embarrassment, and focus on what you want to express.

What do you think of the magazine?

I think it’s a great magazine, that cleverly utilises the power of the Internet. I love the fact that it gives the opportunity to people like me to express themselves and show their creativity to the whole world.

instagram: yle_green

Photographer Martina Bartacchi (unfioresullaluna)

Photographer Martina Bartacchi (unfioresullaluna)

Photographer Alessia Barontini

Photographer Stefano Martin

Project “After the Storm” Photographer Valentina Pino (La Veste di Sabbia) Dress Danymilart

Photographer Greta Casagrande

Photographer Alessia Barontini

Project “Hèron Cendrè” Photographer Vivienne Bellini Dress Silvia Sandri

Photographer Alessia Barontini

Project “After the Storm” Photographer Valentina Pino (La Veste di Sabbia) Dress Danymilart

Photographer David Glauso

Photographer Guseppe Mazzarolo

Photographer Martina Bartacchi (unfioresullaluna)

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