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Interview: Model Timus Georgiana (Romania)


Can you tell us a little about you?

My name is Georgiana, I am 23 years old, I am from Romania and I am studying at the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Bucharest.

I am a confident, sociable and open person whenever I meet people of different characters and try new things.

If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?

Hmm, good question .. Well, first of all, I think I should have a little more confidence in myself because sometimes I'm not sure about the things I'm going to do. every moment that emerges in my life and I no longer stress about every little thing. I think these would be the things I would change in my life.

How did you start modeling?

I started from high school, exactly for almost 7 years. At that time I did not flirt with the picture, I still played with the camera of my sister's phone and we took pictures in the play. I posted some pictures on facebook and found a talented girl. designer of super creative dresses that I have been following her name for a long time being Mimi Chipaila. She observed my photos and wrote to me that she would like to collaborate. I was super excited and happy. Since then I have started collaborating. with her and also I became good friends.

Easy, easy I started to take courage and collaborate with some photographers to create my portfolio and in the meantime I got to the performance of starting to collaborate with photographers on books, I idolized them for a long time and gained some experience. as I focused on many areas of photography: glamor, fashion, artistic nudity, etc.

What do you think of the work as a model?

There are good things in this area but also less good things.

It's nice to have many enjoyable experiences where you get to know important people, talented people, nice people with whom you can interact and do creative things and also keep in touch with them for other different jobs.

At the same time, however good and easy and beautiful, you can see the result on the outside, in the back there is a lot of work, many hours of work. For example sometimes I give up, such as at workshops where I am a model. participants, many beginners but also photographers who have some experience in the back. Of course, certain concepts are created and I have to enter many states to transmit something through the photo gallery. In the first hours I can cope I have no problems, but in the end I am so exhausted because there are many who guide me at the same time and actually can not concentrate. But hardly, I take the job to the end, and all come out good and beautiful.

What is your beauty regimen?

I can not say that I take care of myself somehow. I am weak because I have very fast burns and whatever I eat does not fatten me up. I go very much on foot (I like super doing this when it is nice outside). As a make-up, I do not use pears, I leave more skin to breathe, especially in summer when my freckles are accentuated.

What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others?

Vitiligo. Who does not know, is a skin disease that appears as white spots on the body. I think this makes me more special than the others. And even if there was an antidote for these spots, I do not know if I would accept to treat them. I would have no personality.

What are your plans for the future?

I have always been asked about my plans for the future .. Honestly, I still do not know .. At the moment I want to finish my college and to profess in the field, to advance more and more in this modeling career .. In fact I do not consider myself a model true, rather a talented girl who knows how to pose and is dedicated to the picture .. Let's continue, to remain equally dedicated to the relationship with the wonderful man I have in my life, to build a family.And health, that the rest comes by itself. :)

What are some of your favorite experiences so far?

I do not think I have only a favorite experience. At each shooting, there was something nice, beautiful moments and beautiful people .. I also made some friends talented photographers with whom I still collaborate and remained in my soul: Gabi Gociu, Alice Verde Green, Mytouche Peter, Dragos Enache and many others you can see on my instagram.

Do you have any advice for those who want to start modeling?

YES .. First of all, if you really want this, you need to practice a lot of mimicry, expressions in the mirror, and for the first few pictures you could ask some friends to photograph you for being more comfortable, and for creating an opinion. Only then can you start collaborating with a photographer who you know or wish to collaborate with someone you know, for your own safety.

So, do not cooperate with anyone, I tell you from my own experience to make sure beforehand from all points of view that everything is ok.

What do you think of the magazine?

I like the fact that photographers from all over the world but also models can be promoted. Each one comes with something different, and so you learn new things, even artistic ones. Good job, keep it that way! And thank you for writing me, I was pleased to answer all your questions. I am waiting for you on the Instagram page and Patreon to see many interesting things!Kisses!!! Facebook: ( Georgiana Timus)

Patreon: (Georgiana Timus)

Gabi Gogiu Edit: Alice Verde

Gabi Gogiu Edit: Alice Verde

Dragos Enache

Yatesey Alexandru

Photo:Gabi Gogiu Edit: Alice Verde

Marie Janette

Florin Opriș

Adi Molnar

Costin Nicolae

Gabi Gogiu

Mytouche Peter

Marius Cinteză

Dragos Enache

Yatesey Alexandru

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