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Interview: Model Elle Wolfs (Belgium)


Can you tell us a little bit about yourself? Hi you guys. My name is Elle, I’m a young woman living in Belgium. In my every life I am a youth worker, plant lover, and mom to two small dogs. Modelling is a side gig to me.

If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be? As a teen I’ve been called out by some peers on the way I looked. I was always very skinny, had very thin to no eyebrows due to stress, and above all went into puberty very late and therefor almost didn’t have any breasts. Well, I still don’t actually… haha! J Now, over ten years later, I am very happy I didn’t change anything to my body over the opinion of others, and am satisfied to just be myself.

How did you start modelling?

Years ago I entered a beauty pageant. Why, you ask me? The first election round was held in the pub of an acquaintance of mine. It tickled my curiosity, so I decided to enter the competition and before I knew it, I was elected to participate in a regional contest. I didn’t end up winning a prize, or going through to nationals. Which wasn’t a surprise at all, I’m just not your typical kind of girly girl.

Nowadays I can’t see myself participating in this sort of contest again. However, when I look back on this experience, I am happy with the outcome: it introduced me the wonderful world of modelling.

What do you think of the work as a model? Well, how much I may like the job, it’s often not as glamourous as it seems! J As a model, you should be able to withstand rather harsh weather and shooting circumstances: shooting a springtime collection in winter season, and getting your make-up done in the trunk of the car with the heating on to warm up a little, for example. It’s often the great team, the many laughs and seeing the outcome what makes it worthwhile.

What is your beauty regimen?

Well, aside from the fact that I almost never leave the house without a little blush on my cheeks and a stroke of mascara on my lashes, I don’t really have a beauty routine. Actually, I am really bad at cleaning my face in the evenings, I often forget or even skip that part before going to bed. However, when I have a shoot, I always put on a little bit of moisturizer cream the night before, to protect my skin from the make-up routine the day after. Also, you can always find me snacking at a shoot too; my bag is mostly packed with water or herbal tea, fresh fruits, a salad and sometimes a biscuit for sugar. I love eating healthy in general.

What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others?

I’m known to be very sociable and enthusiastic, which I tend to radiate on others. Because I am also creative, I love working together in a creative team; from coming up with a concept, or even just a crazy idea sometimes, to making mood boards, finding just the right people to work with, to eventually seeing it all come together. On the other hand, I just love to go with the flow and see what happens... I’m a real go-getter, so if I really want something, I’ll make it work. Did I tell you about that one day when the weather turned cold, but I still decided to shoot in a lake in between water lilies?

What are your plans for the future?

Being in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, thinking about my future plans feels really out of place. I honestly wish everyone the best; a healthy and happy future for ourselves and the people we love.

What are some of your favourite experiences so far?

Very different experiences have crossed my path ever since I started modelling. In the beginning I got booked more often for fashion and creative shoots, including a whole team from photographer to make-up artist, hair stylist and designer. It’s wonderful to see every single one’s powers combined to create something new, and for myself to be transformed into something or someone else. I would love to realise that again. Nowadays, I’m often working one on one with a photographer, where we just experiment until we get the right shot. I also love working as a natural model, which means: just being able to be and show myself on set, as a real woman with genuine emotions. I’ve included photos of my favourite work over the past few years; all for different reasons.

Do you have any advice for those who want to start modelling?

Just be yourself, there are plenty of others out there already. Please don’t change who you are for those who are willing to make you the next ‘it’ girl. While going to castings, there will always be other people who are thinner, taller, maybe even prettier of having that ‘it’ factor agencies are looking for. Don’t let anyone break you down, stay confident and keep trying. Pursue your dreams, but please don’t cross any of your personal borders to make it. Also, beware of whom you meet and work with, not everyone has good intentions, alas.

What do you think of the magazine? I have known and been following the magazine since the very beginning. Over the course of the last year, I have lost track of it a bit… This way I am very happy to rediscover the magazine again. Thanks for wanting me to do and interview and get the chance to show a selection of my favourite work. I hope to inspire other, as did the magazine for me.

Photographer: Bert Stephani

Photographer: Bert Stephani

Photographer: Kurt Franken

Photographer: Christophe Vrankenne

Photographer: Pegico Art Make-up and hairstyling: Liesbet Liekens Co-model Christophe Daem

Photographer: Gunther Frans

Photographer: Pieter Vandeur

Photographer: Pieter Vandeur

Photographer: Pegico Art

Photographer: Pegico Art

Photographer: Kurt Franken

Photographer: Kurt Franken

Photographer: Dirk Ganseman Make-up: Sandra De Moor

Photographer: Bert Stephani

Photographer: Pieter Vandeur

Photographer: Alex Lavois

Photographer: Pieter Vandeur

Photographer: Pegico Art Styling and design: Unikamp Make-up: Parfumerie Meylandt

Photographer: Photographer: Leo Xandre

Photographer: Bert Stephani

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