Interview: Model Wioletta Grosty (Denmark)
Can you tell us a little about you?
My name is Wioletta Grosty and I am 24 years old. I was born in Poland and at age of 16 I moved to Denmark with my family where I got educated as garment technologist. Fashion and clothes has always been something exciting and I was curious about what’s hidden behind the idea of chosen clothing. As a little girl I was passionate about styling and matching the clothes but it’s way better, easier and a lot more professional when you know more about materials which you are wearing. I love the fact that i can connect my dreamy education with my hobby which is fotomodeling, where I can represent clothes in the highway as they are supposed to be. Now I’m again about to move to Germany where I will continue my journey together with my boyfriend.
If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?
I love myself for who I am and I know that I wouldn't want to be anybody else. I keep finding myself and everyday I’m getting to meet a new me in daily struggles. Sometimes I think I would like to be more objective. A lot of situations in life brings you up to a decision which you have to be objective about. But now I am 24, so I think I’m still about to learn and practice in my life many different stuff, which will show me how to do the best life of them.
How did you start modeling?
It started when I was 18 years old and I found a casting on some website on a typical day. I sent my application to ‘The look of the year’ and then I drove to every casting which was organized in few polish cities. I owe my first success to my parents because they helped me a lot to achieve what I wanted. There was a lot of people who were telling me, that I should start doing some modeling because I looked very photogenic. I thought, why not to try then? And so it all started.. I got to be twice to semi final in the "TLOTY" competition in two editions. I was living in Denmark so I decided to continue my journey with modeling in Denmark. I met a lot of photographers, who helped me to build my portfolio and one of them is a polish women. She is a very talented, proffesional and clever photograph. I remember we did most of sessions together because we always come with some new ideas and just love shoot the pictures together. It’s just so good to connect your passion together and have fun with it.
What do you think of the work as a model?
It’s hard because it requires a lot of perseverance. But it also let us to develop our skills. I was mostly as a fotomodel working with my Photograph when I wanted to have some days off from everything. So for me it’s kinda relax when I’m about to take pictures. But as I said before, it’s hard to do everyday catwalk and travel different cities to be on time.
What is your beauty regimen?
I think it’s about being connected to your natural beauty. The age takes a huge part of it. Every girl has something special in themselves. Sometimes only few skills are needed to emphasize their beauty. No dyed hair or too much make-up is needed to show the beauty of a person. I think less is more and that's a key to your success with perfect feeling of your beauty.
What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others?
It's definitely that, I'm getting very involved in some things whitch I'm interested about and I don't give up on things when it's getting too complicated. I met a lot of people who are very weak in being focused. I also think I am creative. I can see that in results of my work with photography. In school I was making my own dresses and they all were worn by me. So I was a designer and model for my own projects in shooltime. I am very open to meet new people and I can be pretty tolkative. I see that as a change because I remember me quite shy before I started modeling.
What are your plans for the future?
My plans are still not stabil yet. It changes a lot. I still want to be a part of fotomodeling but also want to continue my career as a professional garment technologist and work between countries in Bestseller which is based in Denmark. I want to travel the world without caring about the place I am connected to for good. Today it's very modern to travel and I would like to do that in independent way together with the love of my life by my side.
What are some of your favorite experiences so far?
I think it's the photosessions with my photograph Justyna Kilińska @jkphotography77. There's something in those pictures which are always surprising when I get the results from the shoot. The other one is when I was on the catwalk in Rumia in Poland. I was wearing projects by Piotr Popiołek, Elwira Górska and my absolute fave one, Beata Mielczarek. I felt like a princess wearing her pink dress and when I showed up on the carpet, it was like a dream come true...
Do you have any advice for those who want to start modeling?
If you have a dream, don't let it fly away.. It's never to late to rise and grow in your interests. Dream big because we only got one chance to be on this beautiful Earth. I would say that you should stop comparing you to the other models. You may not be happy for your look and sometimes feel like you are missing something, but at the end of the day you will know that perfection is about being kind, rare and the real you. Promise me to not pretend to be anybody else but you.
What do you think of the magazine?
This is a very big opportunity to grow and do something new. I like the fact that I can say something about myself and maybe someone will be interested in reading my words, which I would be really grateful for. :) I am very proud to show some of work in the magazine, so the readers can also be a part of it. I am very happy that I can share this joy.

Fot. Justyna Kilińska Styling Justyna Kilińska

Fot. Justyna Kilińska Styling Justyna Kilińska

Fot. Justyna Kilińska
Styling Justyna Kilińska

Fot. Justyna Kilińska Styling Justyna Kilińska

Fot. Justyna Kilińska
Styling Justyna Kilińska

Fot. Justyna Kilińska
Styling Justyna Kilińska

Fot. Justyna Kilińska Styling Justyna Kilińska

Fot. Justyna Kilińska
Styling Justyna Kilińska

Fot. Justyna Kilińska Styling Justyna Kilińska

Fot. Justyna Kilińska Styling Justyna Kilińska

Fot. Justyna Kilińska
Styling Justyna Kilińska

Fot. Justyna Kilińska Styling Katarzyna Grosty

Fot. Justyna Kilińska Styling Justyna Kilińska

Fot. Justyna Kilińska
Styling Justyna Kilińska

Fot. Justyna Kilińska Styling Justyna Kilińska

Fot. Justyna Kilińska Styling Justyna Kilińska

Fot. Justyna Kilińska Styling Justyna Kilińska

Fot. Justyna Kilińska
Styling Justyna Kilińska

Fot. Justyna Kilińska Styling Justyna Kilińska

Fot. Justyna Kilińska
Styling Justyna Kilińska

Fot. Justyna Kilińska Styling Justyna Kilińska

Fot. Justyna Kilińska Styling Justyna Kilińska