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Interview: Model Millena Shimelis (Ethiopia)


Can you tell us a little about you?

My name is millena shimelis. I'm Ethiopian .Millena means 'desert flower' in our language.I'm 21 and graduated in marketing management at school of commerce and I'm fashion model.i love fashion and photography .actually I love lot of thing I love nature, spending good vibes with my friends and family,reading fashion magazine's and blogs and traveling.

If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?

I don't need anything to change at all.because being my self is my power and no one is me.

How did you start modeling?

I grew up involved in watching and spending my time in runways and pageantry, so I got a taste of posing, wearing great clothes, dancing, and winning awards, at a young age. I love the thrill of modeling.

What do you think of the work as a model?

Working as model in Ethiopia is interesting as well as discouraging. There are a lot of things that makes me give up in modeling there might not be many events , even if there are events u don't get paid well.and there is no much modeling agencies here.but i'm still working beacuse modeling my passion and i aint gonna give up on my dreams.but working as a model at all it's a good sense is style,a positive attitudes,communication skills and many things ...using this opportunity I wanna say to agencies out there . You should come to Ethiopia for casting because you can find many models with striking faces.

What is your beauty regimen?

I have two routines to take care of my skin .morning and night routines. Mostly I use organic materials like honey with oats for exfoliating and I drink lots of water and exercise daily.

What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others?

I'm confident and disciplined, I have a professional attitude with a good people skill, I don't give up on things I love easily and I can cope with any criticism and and rejection because it helps me improve something and be stronger than ever.

What are your plans for the future?

My plan as a model is travel more .I really want to enjoy the opportunity and experiences this industry can bring for me and become inspiration for others(my Ethiopian sisters). I plan to also have my own agency one day since there is limited chance for models and grow from there.

What are some of your favorite experiences so far?

My favorite moment every year is getting and doing my dream job which is modeling. I adore and love that I get to share the experience at Fashion Week.

Do you have any advice for those who want to start modeling?

Above everything, confidence is the key. Nothing else matters if you’re not confident. It doesn’t matter what you weight, it doesn’t matter what your body shape is, or how thick your hair is. None of that stuff matters if you’re confident in yourself to know your limits. And when I say limits I don’t mean what you will or will not do, but what you’ll expect or won’t expect of other people relative to yourself.And Be careful who you work with/what you agree to. Not everyone has your best interest at heart and will try to take advantage of you. This industry can get tough but keep going. Remember that everything takes time.

What do you think of the magazine?

I appreciate all the good works this megazine did and gives opportunities for models around the world . Thank you for believing in me and making part of this edition

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