Interview: Model Kia Enemærke Møller (Denmark)
Can you tell us a little about you?
Hi there! Im Kia and im 23 years old. Im a hard working girl with a lot of ambition and good energy and you will – besides from some pictures – almost allways see me smile! Right now I work in a danish fashion store as a sales assistant and as a waiteress in a café besides from different modelling jobs. I have always been very creative and intellegent, but I tend to worry an overthink more than I sometimes should. I mostly am positive though and I feel that we are obligated to remember and embrace what’s given to us and learn from our mistakes and hard times in life. A lot of people get the wrong impression of me because of the way I look and dress. People often think Im a diva or a bitch, but I love to prove them wrong by smiling and being kind and after getting to know me you will propably call me a hippie ;)
If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?
If I could change something it would be my way of thinking sometimes. As many others I happen to be really hard on myself, so I work on loving myself more. I wouldn’t want to change anything about my look. I look the way I do and as long as I am healthy and happy, I’m allright. If you aren’t happy about something, you have to consider if you are willing to do what’s nesserary to change it, and if you aren’t, it’s your way of thinking, you need to work on. You can change anything with your mind.
How did you start modelling?
I started modelling when I was 11 years old. A danish children and teen clothing company was searching for new models and I applyed and was chosen. I worked with them for 4 years. After that I took a brake from modelling, because I didn’t know where to go and I wasn’t tall enough for the agencies. I started expressing myself creatively through modelling 2 years ago, when I was contacted by a photographer through instagram.
What do you think of the work as a model?
I think the work as a model isn’t for everyone. You have to have the right mindset and do it for the right reasons. Modelling can teach you a lot about patience and independence but most importantly a lot about yourself as a human being.
What is your beauty regimen?
I do what I can to stay healthy and happy, for that is whats makes you most beautiful. I use a little makeup in the daily to look more fresh and love to put my hair in different ways from day to day. I wear and do what makes me feel comftable and oversized clothing is mostly my go-to.
What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others?
I believe in kindness and the good in people and I am aware that theres a huge distance between someones look and who they really are. I don’t have many prejudices and I believe that if someone is mean to you, it is something happening in them and has nothing to do with you as long as you are kind.
What are your plans for the future? I wish to travel the world, live out my potential and be happy.
What are some of your favourite experiences so far? I have had so many teaching experienses in my life, and it is those – the ones I’ve leaned from - I am most greatful for. And as long as modelling keep on teaching me things I’ll keep on doing it.
Do you have any advise for those who want to start modelling?
Think about why you want to do it, and if it makes you happy, do it rightaway! Remember to stay healthy and true to yourself. Push yourself to learn but don’t forget your limits.
What do you think of the magazine?
I LOVE this magazine; how models and photographers doesn’t have to be huge to be seen potential in. I love that the magazine appreciates great work of art no matter who did it and is creating a plat-
form for those who just want to express themselves creatively. I believe the magazine might be the reason why new working partners might get in touch and that is something we as artists should support.
Your instagram: @kiaenemaerke

Jesper Kristian assisted by Balaz Popal

Jesper Kristian

Casper Kjelgaard Ilsøe