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Interview: Model Federico Notari (Italy)


Can you tell us a little about you?

I'm a Federico, I'm 23 and I live in a town near Reggio Emilia. I do the model and influencer. I love traveling and always visiting new places. my dream is to open my own clothing line.

If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?

Change something about me ??? in certain situations the character on some aspects

How did you start modeling?

My experience was born in 2016 when I did the national "mister italia" competition qualifying for the national semifinals, returning to the top 100 boys from all over Italy and then reaching the final returning to the top 30 boys.

What do you think of the work as a model?

Of my work as a model I think it's a job I love to do! and coming to take away my great satisfaction by participating in the milan fashikn week at YSL thanks to my menager daniele de falco and the ddf influencer agency.

What is your beauty regimen?

Attention to the smallest details! after all those are the ones that make the difference "

What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others?

The desire to arrive and to reach your dream, not to let me be beaten down by the numerous "no" received and never to stop believing in what you want to do.

What are your plans for the future?

In my work you can never do projects because from one day to another you can have work and unexpected! I can say that I am currently working with important brands and I am planning other works that I don’t anticipate.

What are some of your favorite experiences so far?

The Milan fashion week! Its the top of fashion.

Do you have any advice for those who want to start modeling?

Of course! one piece of advice that I think is the most important is never to get beaten by anyone and continue for what you want because of doors in the face if you take so many and always but when that door opens you have to be there ready to take the opportunity.

What do you think of the magazine?

I think that doing an interview with you on this magazine is something that doesn't happen every day! and then what to say: the numbers speak you have an infernational reputation and being part is a great thing for me therefore I am honored of this and I thank you infinitely for this possibility!

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