Interview: Photographer Egle Ellerman (Denmark)
Can you tell us a little about you? I am a Russian girl living in Denmark. I am an introvert, a vegetarian and a big dog lover. I get pleasure from smells and adore art house. I listen only to the music that acts positively on my libido, and my creativity is based on the this. How and when did you get into photography? At 6 years old, I realized that my life would be based on 3 pillars: Love, Literature and Art (in all its manifestations). I tried all kinds of the last one, but the photography has become everything to me. I was 24 years old. What does photography mean to you? Photography for me is the window through which I see the world. And this world is beautiful. Please briefly describe your photography style for our readers. I call my style Raw Low Fashion. Where do you get inspiration from? From dreams (I remember every single from the very first) and from the aftertaste from the music. Think you in advance what you want in the picture? Yes, always, if these are big projects, but I think more about the mood and the topic. If I work with self-portraits, then it depends on my soul state at the moment. I don't think there, but feel. Studio, on location or both? Prefer location. There are more opportunities for improvisation and playing with light. I'm a fan of natural light. Would you consider yourself a hobbyist or a paid professional? Photography is definitely not a hobby for me, but I have not yet become a professional (in my understanding of the word). There is no limit. What has been your most memorable session and why? Each session is significant. I get intense euphoria from each one. It is very difficult to single out one. Nikon or Canon? Favorite lens? Nikon. 50 mm 1.4. What is one piece of advice you would like to offer a new photographer looking to start their own business? My opinion is that first of all you need to decide for yourself if you would like to seriously take up photography; Do you see yourself in this area in 10/20/30 years; Does this bring happiness and meaning? If so, go ahead! The stars will converge themselves. What do you think of our new magazine? It is impeccable. My congratulations. Instagram: @eglebyheart

Model: Egle Ellerman @eglebyheart

Model: Linnea - Instagram: @linneathomasia - FB: @LinneaThomasia

Model: Anja Rudat Randrup - Instagram: @anjarandrup - FB: Anja Rudat Randrup

Model: Sophia Millward Instagram: @sophiamillward FB: Sophia Millward

Model: Aleksandra Šulcaitė - FB: Aleksandra Roberta Šulcaitė

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Model: Nikoline Bødker Madsen - Instagram: @jegerniko - FB: Nikoline Bødker Madsen

Model: Maria Ommedal - Instagram: @fidomusen - FB: Maria Ommedal

Model: Marianne Mbo Eloi - Instagram: @thethirstychick - FB: Marianne Mbo Eloi

Model: Anja Rudat Randrup - Instagram: @anjarandrup - FB: Anja Rudat Randrup

Model: Marianne Mbo Eloi - Instagram: @thethirstychick - FB: Marianne Mbo Eloi

Model: Egle Ellerman @eglebyheart