Interview: Model Andrea Ďurošová (Slovakia)
Can you tell us a little about you? Hi, my name is Andrea Ďurošová. I´m a 25 years old model from Slovakia. I love sport, art, traveling and meeting other cultures. If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be? I would definitely change some of my characteristics. I´m really bad at making decisions and overthinking. It takes me a long time to decide what is the best for me, and then it can sometimes stop me from growing or going in the right direction. I´m sure I will change it one day, I´m trying to work on it. :) How did you start modeling? I was walking in a shopping mall in Bratislava when a scouter from Sapphire Models Stopped me and offered me to visit the agency. A few months later I went to India for my first job. What do you think of the work as a model? It is very hard, especially in the beginning, when you are young and you just travel to another side of the world by not even knowing the language. It's also hard because the competition is very big. Nowadays with the era of the internet and social media is very easy to find new young models all over the world. Many people think that models just make a few photos a day in their cute outfit. But in reality most of the time the models work for e-commerce or catalogs where they have to change their clothes 100-500 times a day. Sometimes I had 3 jobs in a day. Two photoshoots and then recording a TV comedy show. I had days when I worked 40 hours in 2 days. You must think I had to earn a lot of money in those two days right? Not at all, I was having a fix monthly salary contract. I didn't earn more than I could get as a cashier in a supermarket. Every model has to go through this stage in the beginning, to get a better book and experience. What is your beauty regimen? Drink water and sleep as much as you can. I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, I hope it helps haha. For the skincare, I always use products which are the most organic as possible. I use charcoal soap for cleaning my face and rosehip oil as a moisturizer. I love clay masks and any products that contain vitamin C. I love to use aloe vera juice as a tonic water. I don't agree with spending a lot of money on skincare products. I rather invest in good mascara or foundation base so all the makeup stays on the place for the whole day, while running from one casting to the other. What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others? I´m an honest person, always try to say the truth, even if it is not what you would like to hear. There is always a way how to say what you want without hurting people around you. I try to be open and understand people, empathize with them. I´m also very professional in my job, I would never be rude or disrespectful on a shooting. I don´t like fake people and in this industry, there are way too many of them.
What are your plans for the future? I started to do translations from English to the German language. After all those years of working with people, I would like to work by myself. I also study programming so I hope one day I can hack your software haha What are some of your favorite experiences so far? The best decision I ever made in my life was to travel. It makes you more open to anything and be able to understand other cultures. Makes you more responsible and independent. I love who I became, all thanks to modeling. Do you have any advice for those who want to start modeling? Yes, I do. Don´t be scared to travel, but don´t see the money, don´t see the fame, have respect and humility and you will get much more than the cover of Vogue. What do you think of the magazine? Honestly, I didn´t know the magazine before you contacted me with the request for an interview. I´m glad you did. I like the idea and the availability of the magazine. It can help many girls and boys to see a little bit behind the scene of modeling and knowing more what is it all about. Thank you.