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Interview: Model Karo Korab (Germany)


Can you tell us a little about you?

I'm a walking chaos in the frame of the body. Hello.

If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?

If I would come back to my younger self and say: 'hey! you gonna be doing an art nude modeling and study computer science!', my younger self would say: Wow! But that's cool.

I like my position. Mainly because I stopped being afraid of being on my own way. Keep working on it! If I'd be to choose one thing, I would like to be better in planning. I'm a spontaneous person, beside being a logical type, I'm impulsive. I'm good for emergency situations, when one need to improvise, I want to be better in organizing. And more responsible.

How did you start modeling?

Life drawing. I've been a student in Fine art high school in Warsaw, I have started posing for classmates. We all have been doing it in round. Dressed at the time.

Posing naked I have started on my first and only trimester in Cardiff, with Life drawing collective. I have quoted art studies, but I continue modeling. I like working with my body. It's a sense of an art spirit in it to me.

For photography I started modeling by coincidence. I have opened an account on one of the websites connecting models, photographers and other creatives. I did it due to life drawing: I wanted to send a link with my look to the drawing studios, instead of attaching pictures to the emails all the time. And then some photographers started contacting me...

What do you think of the work as a model?

It's a good job if you like being free. I am freelancing it, so I have to do all the social media and logistics. But still it's better for me, then a few hours of enclosure in some depersonalized space. Modeling allows me to travel and study part-time along. I really appreciate it.

Some people wrote me I'm like a chameleon. This is a big compliment for me.

I treat modeling as acting.

I always try to design a character during the shooting. It's nice if it's at least a bit visible for other people and not only going on in my head. It is a form of expression for me, the modeling.

The more of acting I need to do the more I like the session. Also the purely aesthetic body-shapes I like a lot. Demanding poses. I'm fit and reasonably flexible.

What are your plans for the future?

Travelling to outer space. Last time I had a dream to go to Nepal. I ended up being there faster, then I'd understood I'm doing it. Now I say: cosmos.

Freelancing. I do not see myself in an office. Would better earn less and live cheaper then stay in the same routine everyday. It's like that since my early childhood. I'm constantly searching for new. I like travelling, but I'm studying computer science. I'm fancied with logic and patterns. Also I like art. It's nice I can combine it all together. I do not know, where exactly it will bring me, but I enjoy my way.

5 What is your beauty regimen?

I do not have. For me beauty comes from authenticity.

What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others?

Creative, but logical. Stubborn, when I finally know, what I want. But anyway a relaxed person.

Curious of unknown. I always want to understand things.

What are some of your favorite experiences so far?

Very strong ones. Mostly too personal to share.

From travelers reality, I have been on a trek in Annapurna circuit, hiking to Tilicho lake (5000m). It was 2 weeks walking, and all on the budget. Means I had not enough of basically everything, except of my good will. It's been a lot of problems, but it's definitely memorable.

From the modelling perspective, I would say it's also a journey every time I try to think of myself in the new set. I love diversity. I think my favorite sessions are those, where I end up psychically tired: stretching, climbing trees... Also the weird images I love. Looking not really like me...

Do you have any advice for those who want to start modeling?

Yes. Do, what you like. If you like modeling, if you like particular part of it (I do art modeling), be constant. It is a lot of work to be done as a freelance model. You are both a model and a manager. So a huge part of your life consists of answering e-mails, searching for inspiring people to work with, uploading pictures. It all has to be done. Unlike you have an assistant, it's all your job. Posing is only a final effect.

What do you think of the magazine?

Thanks for an opportunity to share some my point of view.

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