Interview: Cover Girl Alina Bukina (Estonia)
Can you tell us a little about you?
My name is Alina and I am from Estonia. I’ve started modeling when I was 14 years old. I love traveling, sports ( especially boxing, dancing and horse riding ), cooking and eating :D. I am also studying nutrition and physiology at the moment and would love to associate my future job with the health industry.
If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?
I don’t think there is anything I’d like to change, rather make some improvements. I guess one of the things I’d have to work on are to being more patient and tolerant and be less affected by the trifle things happening around me.
How did you start modeling?
My interest towards modeling started to arise when I was 13. I was always crazy about traveling. And the idea that young girls already at the age of 15-16 can go to another country, live and work there by them-self seemed mesmerizing to me! So when I´ve found out that the minimum age for becoming a model was 14- I was just waiting my turn :D. I was quite mature at that age already and already had the experience of traveling to another countries by myself. That’s why it wasn’t a problem for to start traveling for modeling already at that age. Besides my family was always very supportive. Of course it was hard, because I was studying as well and had to combine them and give my best at both, but I really enjoyed it.
What do you think of the work as a model?
I think modeling has plenty of advantages. Despite the monitory side of it (which varyes grately and can be different to everyone), I think it’s a great opportunity for young girls to travel the World, broaden your horizonts, learn to be responsible, improve your communication skills and cultivate a stronger caracter. Modeling life is usually quite intense with many different things happening with you at the sametime. Hence you need to learn to adapt quickly and cope with various situations from which you’re constantly getting new experience. It’s definitely a good life school J
What is your beauty regimen?
I believe that balance and harmony is a key to everything. What surrounds you, what you’re putting inside you’re body and how you are treating it- has a drastic impact on your outlooks. So I consider a good proper nutrition, healthy activities and a stress free life to be the base of all beauty regimen. As an addition, I have to admit I’m a bit crazy about my skin. So under absolutely no curcomstances will I go to sleep or wake up without cleansing my face, spaying it with a tonic and moustarising it. To sum it up : good food, sports, piece of mind and happiness- and you will shine :D
What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others?
I am lucky with being able to adapt rapidly to various circumstances. I am generally very positive and there is probably nothing you can do in order to distress me and even if you will, I will never give you the chance to notice it. Only my very closest people now when I am truly upset. I am convinced that everything happens for a reason and there is always at least some advantage even in the worst situation. I believe that every single thing that is happening with me is 100% a consequence of my previous thoughts and deeds. I have a very particular taste: I love to eat pineapple with mustard, I need to sprinkle all my food with lemon juice before I eat it, I like to add salt to my desserts and my most favorite food in the World is tomato.
What are your plans for the future?
My plans for the future are to become a better person than I am today, to take the full advantage of all the upcoming opportunities, to be happy with what I do and to make at least some contribution to the World J
What are some of your favorite experiences so far?
If talking about modeling experiences, the most outstanding one for me was a shooting I had to do in the mountains in Tibet. To be honest the work conditions were quite excruciating: we were shooting at the very high altitudes where even some lack of oxygen started to appear. But the worst was the cold. The snow was everywhere and I was freezing! Besides the collection was spring/summer dresses and very light coats. It was quite hard for me to finish the shoot but when I think about it in hindsight, I don´t remember all the negative parts that well. What I remember are all those astonishing and breathtaking beauty of nature which was surrounding me and increadibly exciting experience with our shooting crew. I felt myself like a part of expedition!
Do you have any advice for those who want to start modeling?
I guess my main advice would be to love yourself, know your true worth, be confident and believe in yourself.If you don’t believe in yourself, then who will? And don’t let anything to let you down.

Photographer: Paul Morel

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