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Interview: Model Yana Yakovleva (Poland) Winner of the Month


Can you tell us a little about you?

My name is Yana Yakovleva, I am from Ukraine and I am 22 years old.

I graduated from the Jagiellonian University in Poland with a degree in journalism. Since childhood I was engaged in music, played the piano and was engaged in vocal.

I was always attracted to a more creative profession, but I couldn’t find myself for a long time.

If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?

We can't be perfect , so I wouldn't change anything.The only thing I would add 5 inches tall haha.

How did you start modeling?

Im from a small town in Ukraine and if someone once told me that I would become a model, I would never believe it.

When I was studying in Poland, my friend bought a new camera and asked me to pose to him. It was my first shooting.

After that, my photos began to be noticed by other people, photographers invited me to the shooting. Few months later I was invited to an interview at the Agency in Warsaw then I signed contract. My first trip was to India, and after that I couldn’t stop do modeling.

What do you think of the work as a model?

Many people say that this job is not long-term and not serious.

But those who have never worked in this field will never understand you.

The opportunity to travel around the world, meet new people, work for different brands, See yourself in magazines is priceless.

In each country, new adventures and new experiences.

At a very young age you have to be more responsible, learn new languages, find an approach to different people, get used to different conditions. Its make you stronger.

What is your beauty regimen?

I don't like makeup, so most of the time I go without. After shooting , I always try to keep my face clean and moist. Also i an opponent of unnatural beauty. So painted eyebrows and fake huge lips are not for me.

I love folk masks, which were used by my mother - it's either a mask with clay or celandine.

The effect is much better than from expensive and advertised products.

What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others?

First of all I am very simple. In Ukraine, people say " be easier and people will reach out to you."

I am always very sociable, I have many friends and I always find a common language with different people.

I have not high growth and many agencies told me that except Asia I will not work anywhere as a model.

I have long hair, which also does not fit the criteria. Many agencies agreed to work with me only if I cut my hair and fly to a contract in China or some other country in Asia.

But I don't like changing to be like everyone else and i flew alone to Paris to look for the Agency .

I guess my desire and my persistence helped me to be myself and sign contract with mother agency “ Allez model management” and after with “ Up models” Agency in Paris.

What are your plans for the future?

It is difficult to tell about plans right now, one dream came true and you have a second one. The most important thing is the process when you go to your dreams.

I'd like to work in countries where I haven't been yet.

As long as we are young, we must use every chance and opportunity that life gives us.

So I don't think about what will happen after the model's career. I am sure that by that time I will have a new hobby.

What are some of your favorite experiences so far?

In each country there were many different moments that will forever remain in memory. But one of the memorable days is the day I signed a contract in Paris.

When all the agencies say that this market isn't yours and you don't stand a chance, you lose your faith confidence over time. But fate gives you signs from above so that you don't stop.

You can knock at 99 doors and they won't open to you, but you'll come 100 times and they'll open the door for you.

So it was happen with me after many attempts, I came to the interview and already felt that these are my people and they will give me a chance.

When the answer came, I was crying from happiness, I will never forget this day and I am so grateful that they have believe on me.

Do you have any advice for those who want to start modeling?

Never listen to the opinions of those who don’t know what is best for you.

If this is your dream, go for it. Otherwise, you'll never forgive yourself, which at least you haven't tried. Everything is in your hands.

What do you think of the magazine?

I want to thank this magazine for the opportunity to share my experience.

I think for beginners photographers, models and others it is interesting and useful information.

And we can also find a lot of interesting profiles from different countries.

Thank you for what you're doing.

My instagram: @yana_yako

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