Interview: Model Jasmyn Towers (Australia) Winner of the Month

Can you tell us a little about you? My name is Jasmyn Towers. I am 29 years old. I am currently studying legal. I am a volunteer for extended families working with a disabled child which I find extremely rewarding. I also have a german shepherd, a Bengal and DLH cat (with a housemate that has 2 rabbits and a cat. You could say that we live in a zoo.) On the odd occasion that I do get some free time, I like to spend it hiking, painting, traveling. I am also a bit of an adrenalin junkie, I have done everything from sky diving, to scuba diving, paddle boarding, dog sledding to caving.
If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be? I used to have crooked teeth which made me very self-conscious. I got Invisalign and they came off last year. It is incredible how much it has changed my life. I am so confident now and my mentality towards everything in life has completely changed. I used to be quite pessimistic but now I look at everything in a positive light. I don’t really want to change anything now.
How did you start modelling? I did a couple of runway shows back in my early twenties but didn’t pursue modeling as I was extremely self-conscious. I have only just gotten back into modeling this year and it has really taken off very quickly. My first modeling job was an awesome experience it was for GolfJet and we got to shoot on a private jet.
What do you think of the work as a model? I really enjoy it. I am very creative so my modeling work allows me to explore that creative outlet and get my head out of the law books. I think you just have to be very patient. Shoots can run overtime and things don’t always go as planned. I just wish I didn’t let my insecurities get to me when I was younger so I could have been doing this for longer.
What is your beauty regimen? Sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen! Being a natural red head, growing up in Australia even if I am in the tiniest bit of sun I get burnt. It has worked in my favour though as I wear sunscreen every day and now people are shocked at my age because I look so young! Seriously girls forget the tan, unless you want to age faster.
What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others? I am a very genuine person. I actually don’t know how to lie. I was once hooked up to a lie detector test in high school and we had to say two truths and one lie and the class was to guess which one the lie was. I got up there and forgot to even say a lie.
What are your plans for the future? Sometimes looking too far into the future can give me anxiety, I don’t like to think about time passing. My current plans are to get through my final assignments and continue modeling. I like to take each day as it comes.
What are some of your favourite experiences so far? My favourite experiences in modeling would just have to be the people I have met. One of my shoots was out in the country and the other model in the shoot turns out was actually from the same suburb as me and now we hang out every week. Just seeing the final images that you have created is always very rewarding!
Do you have any advice for those who want to start modeling? Be nice to everyone you are working with. Be patient. Don’t go to a shoot thinking you know everything. Everyone works in a slightly different way. You need to be open to learn new things. Don’t compare yourself to other people. Know who you are and stay true to that.
What do you think of the magazine? I think it is a fantastic showcase of talent from around the world.