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Interview: Model Astathre (Poland)


Can you tell us a little about you?

My name is Nika and I’m 20 years old witch from Poland. Im in love with Norse and Slavic mythology, folk, nature, magic and fantasy world. I am also beginner makeup artist.

If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?

My explosive temperament. I get angry very often and it’s just tiring. I also wouldn't like to be such an emotional person.

How did you start modeling?

By accident. I have never wanted to me a model, I wanted to be a photographer. My (now ex) boyfriend had a SLR camera, nikon D3000, it was my first contact with a “good camera” and I was something like: “Wow, what a quality, I have to make a shoot!”. I had a lot of ideas but I didn’t have friends to shoot, so I thought that I will pose and my boyfriend can shoot me. And then I fell in love with posing. I did a lot of sessions, I had a lot of haters (really, a lot!) but well, I didn’t care. Not long after that I started getting a lot of shoots offer and this is how I start modeling.

What do you think of the work as a model?

I just love it! Contrary to appearances, its really hard work, but it’s always worth it. Somethimes I am tired by long travels, sleepy because I had to get up at 3:00am to be on time for train, starved because I didn’t have time for eat but.. it does no matter when I go back home, I lie in my warm bed and I see new mail on ma inbox and see the effects of my work. It’s just amazing feeling. Work as a model also give me a chace to meet fantastic people, with some of them I became a friends, I can work with animals, sleep in palaces, travel to places I would never see as a “normal person”, these are really amazing experiences.

What is your beauty regimen?

I laughed inside, because I am a pizza person, I hate physical effort (except dancing, horse riding, archery and sword fighting) and I do not, unfortunately, stick to a healthy diet, I all the time forget to drink water but.. I am hair and skin maniac! I do a lot of things for my hair and face, I intrested in korean face care.

What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others?

When I get such a question I always answer: “ask my friends”. I can’t be objective for myself.

What are your plans for the future?

I never plan, because I am convinced that I have to focus on what is now, but if we talk about what I want- I want to develop in modeling and I want to travel a lot. I want to also train my makeup skills, because I want to tie my future with makeup. And I will reveal my little secret- I dream about to be a burlesque performer and I hope one day my dream will come true.

What are some of your favorite experiences so far?

There is a lot of them! But if I had to choose the most favourites one, I would choose:

-shooting with animals (horses, rabbits, dogs and the others)

-Posing with Peruphasma (this is the kind of insect)

- participating in the first Polish photographic comics

-Fairytale workshops at Anna Sychowicz (thank you I could be there!)

-Posing at -20 celsius degrees (I cried with a frozen teras on that shoot, haha)

Do you have any advice for those who want to start modeling?

I will not be special, when I say “always be yourself” but its the only truth. Appreciate work of the other people, be modest but don’t forget to know your value.

What do you think of the magazine?

I like it very much! There is a lot of talented people and inspirations. I even saw several of my friends’ interviews but I didn’t ever think I become a part of Modellenland Magiazine! Thank you!

Photo; Yumikasa Photography, styl; Hermenegilda presents

Photographer Sylwia Łecka

Photographer Yumikasa Photography

Photographer Muarta Fotografia, dress; Steampunk&Fantasy

Photographer Mariusz Impresje

Photographer Marcin Ciepieniak

Photographer Anna Sychowicz

Elysian fox

photo' Paulina Siwiec, headpiece; Misio Urwisek, dress; Ana Louise

Photo; Paulina Siwiec, headpiece Misio Urwisek, Dress Ana Louise

Photo; Po Prostu Patrz

Photographer Aleks Salamon

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