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Interview: Cover Girl: Patrycja Rymer (Poland)


Can you tell us a little about you? I’m 23 years old and I live in Poland. I study art promotion on university and that beside work consumes most of my time. But when i finally have some time by myself I like to do something creative. I’m trying to make my surroundings more beautiful by crafting small gadgets like hand painted cups or bags.

If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be? I’m accept myself as I am, but sometimes I wish could be more outgoing person.

How did you start modeling? I helped a friend in a school photo project, then I realized that I simply like it. I looked for some photographers and makeup artist to work with and soon after I was the one who had to reply to offers of cooperation and paid job.

What do you think of the work as a model? I think it’s great! Meeting people, traveling to some interesting places and having contact with some of the best young designers makes this job entertaining and self developing. I know that it might sound surprising because most people consider models only as a hanger for clothes but in fact we have pleasure to work with great artist. It’s great benefit of this work that is mostly unspoken. However I must admit it’s incredibly time consuming and physically demanding.

What is your beauty regimen? Only basics like cleaning and moisturising. I believe in natural beauty. To be honest in everyday live I rarely wear any makeup.

What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others? Patience, it’s surprisingly rare nowadays. For me it’s obvious that i consider myself as a part of a team that make a photo or create fashion show. It’s easy to start behave like spoiled starlet but it’s not me.

What are your plans for the future? First, I want to obey a master’s degree. What is going to be next, we will see.

What are some of your favorite experiences so far? It’s hard to choose because i enjoy whole modeling as one of the best experience i had (and i’m still having) in my life.

Do you have any advice for those who want to start modeling? Believe in yourself but don’t let your ego grow too much because it can put you down and simply enjoy it on every stage.

What do you think of the magazine? I like it. It’s always nice to see some good photos. But for me more important is that you feel the gap between photos and people who stands behind them. It gives inside look into who we are in clear simple way.

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