Interview: Photographer Dobry Valshebnig (Belarus)
Can you tell us a little about you?
My name is Igor, I'm 30 years old. I'm a photographer. I shoot fashion, model test, sometimes I shoot art nude. I use a pseudonym Dobry Valshebnig.
I live and work in Minsk, Belarus.
How and when did you get into photography?
I was pushed by the changes in my life. Or rather, I wanted to start from scratch. It started about 4 years ago, in 2013. I already tried to do photo reports, but I realized that I had little experience, I wanted to reach a new level and decided to join professional courses on photography. The knowledge I had received was so inspiring that I gave up my main job as a design engineer and completely switched to photography. Now - this is my main activity.
Please briefly describe your photography style for our readers.
At the moment I would not say that I have my own specific style, which I keep to. Still in the process. A style will appear with time and with experience. I really like the naturalness in photography like Peter Lindbergh has. I like the fabulous style of Paolo Roversi and many other styles. I try myself in different directions and different styles. I mix, I add mine. You need to study a lot in order to create your own style and try to make changes to existing styles, and then you can have your own vision, your own style which you will be recognized by.
Where do you get inspiration from?
Oh) That's an interesting question. Truly, I take inspiration from everywhere. A photography itself inspires me, works of great photographers. Visiting art galleries. Reading books, both artistic and special literature on the history of arts. Studying shootings in fashion magazines. Music. I love music. Communication with creative people. Nature, sea, the sun, pouring rain, snowfall, I'm inspired when nature rages. Silence is also very inspiring. Travels. There is such an expression: "You are what you eat" It concerns not only food, but also what things you fill yourself up with. You are like a jug, you fill yourself up with knowledge and all the rest and there comes a moment when you are full and new ideas can be born then.
What does photography mean to you?
As I mentioned above, photography is my main activity. For me, this work is primarily a way of self-expression and one of the sources of inspiration. The purpose of my life was creating new things, self-development , getting better and better each day. That's why my choice fell on the photo to develop and learn all my life. It is important for every person to find what he likes)
Choose a profession that you love, and you will not have to work a day in your life. (Confucius)
Think you in advance what you want in the picture?
Yes, of course! To create a photo, you need to put everything in advance, style, image, choose clothes, find a location, gather a team (model, stylist, make-up artist, hairdresser, florist, etc.). All the details are important, this affects the quality of the photo and further processing.
Studio, or location or both?
For me it does't matter. It can be either a studio or any location outside. Everything is chosen specially for the concept of shooting, technical specifications, and so on. Both outdoor and in the studio you can use a flash or you can get by with natural light.
Would you consider yourself a hobbyist or a paid professional?
At the moment I'm taking commercial orders, they make up the majority of my shooting. Sometimes I do creative shooting, to realize my own ideas.
What has been the biggest source of inspiration in your work?
Most of all, I was influenced by Barcelona. Very inspiring city. After visiting, I got a lot of strength and ideas. Architecture, too, inspires me no less than everything written above. But recently I've caught myself thinking that love is the greatest source of inspiration. If you trace the work of famous artists, photographers, musicians, poets, etc. ... the majority of beautiful works of art were created under the influence of the power of love.
What has been your most memorable session and why?
Probably the most memorable shooting was in Nude style. It was in Minsk city, it was necessary to get up very early to avoid gazing and not coming across policemen. In Belarus, it is not so easy to photograph Nude in the center of the city, you can get a fine or go to jail for 15 days, even if it is done for creating a work of art. We took pictures very quickly and quietly. As spies) adrenaline then went off scale)
As a result, you can see one of the works "Nude spiral" which took 2nd place in the competition ADME photo Awards 2015 in the category of highly artistic Nude
Nikon or Canon? Favorite lens?
I use Canon, 50 mm and 85 mm lens just because when I started my way in photography many of my friends had Canon and it was easier to consult. But one day I tried the Pentax 450z and this camera hit me. Unfortunately, it is not possible to buy such a camera yet. But I would like to switch to the middle format. It has many advantages, including the process of retouching. But in fact, much depends on the photographer, his ideas and how he sees the frame ... and the camera is just an instrument.
What is one piece of advice you would like to offer a new photographer looking to start their own business?
The first thing you need to do is ask yourself a question. Do I really want to be engaged in photography? How much am I willing to give all myself for this? Am I willing to go to the end!
Then choose some directions in photography . It can be weddings, fashion, nature, food and subject photography and develop in 2-3 directions and do not get scattered at all ... you won't be able to chase after everything , but you can become the best in one area ... become a real professional.
Work hard and be ready to learn a lot. And never give up.
What do you think of our new magazine?
This is a very good idea! I think that this is a good magazine so that creative people can show their works!