Interview: Model Alina Veremeeva (Belarus)
Could you tell us a little about yourself?
I would say so: - "Good time of the day!") My name is Alina. I am a ballerina and master of cultural studies. I love animals very much, I do not like people very much. Literature is my passion. And I just adore wine and coffee!) And Yes! I am often photographed by masters of high taste.) "
If you could change something in yourself, what would it be?
As I have already said, I do not really like people. Perhaps I should have been more tolerant of their weaknesses. I can understand, and even justify, if not everything, but a lot. But do not accept. But, as a theatre person and with an academic background, I openly hate and will never accept stupidity, lack of professionalism and discipline in working or simply important issues. Probably so!)
How did you start modeling?
Everything happened gradually and unnoticed.) Photographers and especially photo artists are always interested in going beyond the ordinary and familiar to the eye. Many authors are interested to show the beauty of the moment, its fragility and elusiveness. And where, as not in movement and plastic, this is best seen. Or vice versa. They want to see graphicality, you can even say, sculpture, completeness of the pose, the ideal position of the hands, feet ... the body as a work of art. You can enumerate endlessly. And in dealing with such tasks, those plastic possibilities and, in general, the aesthetics of the body, which gave me the classical ballet and the artistic scenic experience, are indispensable. Of course, at first the authors addressed me as a ballerina who could solve their complex artistic tasks. Over time, the circle of acquaintances in the field of photo art grew. Interest of photographers to me increased. Accordingly, my interest in this matter increased. And now I have gone beyond the ballet photography and with great pleasure I take part in completely different projects. And not only in photo projects.) At the moment, I starred in a pair of author's shorts, in a music video of a popular Belarusian group, and took part in the theatrical performance of a well-known Belarusian sculptor. And I'm sure that the best and the most interesting experience is yet to come.
What do you think about working as a model?
I think this work teaches you to accept yourself differently: Cheerful or sullen; Slouching or with posture; With make-up and without; in the "working" and "not working" foreshortening (girls will understand me). Although, when you are in the hands of a true master, the camera angle does not matter. After all those pictures that you end up getting, it's like a freeze-frame of your state here and now. And This is what remains with you for life. And this is what I adore photography for. But I’m saying something wrong. In fact, I always ask photographers to remove my plump cheeks.))
Your beauty regime.
I do not have any special beauty rituals. I do not even go to a cosmetologist yet. Although I see nothing but pluses in aesthetic cosmetology, but I leave it for the future. Now as a basis I take regular physical activity, healthy sufficient sleep and hygiene in everything. In body. Emotional hygiene and hygiene of thoughts, that is spiritual. After all, anger, envy, excessive irritability and so on primarily affect the appearance of a woman. But if some talented book captivates me all night long, I will not resist.
Your personal qualities that distinguish you from others?
There is such a strange combination in my personality. On the one hand I'm very emotional, vulnerable, kind, with a very developed empathy. But on the other hand, I can talk very severely, sharply and specifically with someone who has disturbed my comfort zone. And I never regret it. Because if I say something, that’s only what I really think. Straight and open. Weak and insecure people, of course, do not like me for it. But my friends love me exactly for it.)
Your plans for the future.
With the troupe of the National Academic Bolshoi Theater of the Republic of Belarus, and not only with it, I went round half the world. It remains to visit the second half.) Well, I'll fly further into space.)) The truth is that I do not know how the crew will use my choreographic skills, but I will definitely come up with something.) And of course I want to take a photo that the whole world will see!) Why not?) And I can also print an album with my pictures of different authors. I do not know if models do it and how modest it will be, but my future grandchildren will definitely be curious to see what their grandmother was like!))
Your most vivid impressions.
It is difficult for me to answer this question. Maybe the first solo role in the school play. But frankly speaking, I'm sure that the brightest impressions are waiting for me in the future!)
Your advice for those who would like to do modeling.
In my opinion, the model does not end with a pretty face and a good figure. And does not even begin with them. I would say that to be a model you must first be someone! Succeed in something or strive for it. To be a developing, interested, thinking person. In other words, a photographer should have something to photograph in your face, you have to carry some meaning. The depth of the photo is attached to your eyes. And here you can not do without acting. The picture can be ideally done technically, compositionally, and so on. But if you only know how to stand, lie and smile, the image will be flat. Summarizing: be someone - and you can definitely be a model. And Maybe the world will see your photos!
What do you think about the magazine?
I think the magazine is a terrific professional platform, which can give impetus to the professional growth to both a photographer and a model. And its such beautiful, bright, very high-quality content is able to attract any audience. I thank the magazine for the attention and interest shown to me. Thank you!)

photo(c) Valery Titov

photo(c) Valery Titov

photo(c) Yuri Iluhin

photo(c) Yuri Iluhin

photo(c) Valery Titov

photo(c) Valery Titov

photo(c) Valery Titov

Alex Krivtov

photo(c) Valery Titov

photo(c) Veronika Antonova

photo(c) Valery Titov

photo(c) Valery Titov

photo(c) Valery Titov

Alex Krivtov

Alex Krivtov