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Interview: Model Antonella Speranza (Italy)


Can you tell us a little about you?

Hi, I' m Antonella Speranza. I live in Florence. I'm 25 and I study art, music, theatre and cinema. I love my city, especially its nightclubs and the very genuine food. I enjoy music and I sure love dancing! To be honest some say I'm a flower to the dancefloor.

If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?

If I have to be honest I would like to be 5 cm tall but I do not complain. My character is often irascible or ironic; sometimes I'm not really patient but I'm bored of people who are not receptive. In short, or you love me or you hate me.

How did you start modeling?

I was 16. I started by meeting a strange girl named Jonida Mansaku. It was a pretty kind of creapy because the first time I posed for her it was at night in a cemeterie in Bow Church near MileAnd, in London.

What do you think of the work as a model?

I think that it’s so important in this job that everybody travels. But.. Traveling and studying is tiring , requiring sacrificies.. and a lot of money. Every day you have to let yourself be know, trying to have a good blog that it cuddle the curiosity of aspiring photographers or brands. And so is very strong ..but also interesting and exciting.

What is your beauty regimen?

What I do is to try not to exceed in the many pleasures italian kitchen offers while still enjoy eating the best quality products. And I must say that I 'm very lucky 'cause my new flatmate Ezra is a master in health counceling.

What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others?

I think what best defines me is the sensual sweetness I can't help spreading.

What are your plans for the future?

I obviously want to finish my studies and travel as much as needed for the best modeling and studying opportunities, in order to fulfill all of my professional potential. Which I intend to direct towards the entertainment industry.

What are some of your favorite experiences so far?

I'm very enthusiastic that I'm a new official model of , an highly acclaimed and appreciated creative lab in the city. And what to say about my lovely last cover for Elgon.. I was on the billboard with long blue hair for a month. It was amazing , maybe i would dare to say ..magical. But, memorable jobs… shooting with my bestfriend Sarah and all of the jobs we did together and the fashion shows we did together.

What do you think of the magazine?

It's a special idea this mix of sophisticated, elegant, and provocative photo shoots of models coming from all over the world. You can apreciate the latest glamour, fashion, street genres and a lot of trends, designers , from casual to couture. I truly appreciated this digital version for exclusive model interviews, cover shoots, and more.

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