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Interview: Model Blaise Maree (Australia)


Can you tell us a little about you? I was born in Ballarat Victoria, Australia during the greatest month of May. But I was raised a wild haired, blue eyed girl in Perth, Western Australia. My childhood consisted of exploring, camping and creating. I loved WWE wrestling, Playing the PlayStation, Arts & Crafts and watching Pokemon. Quite a diverse character. I currently reside back in Victoria and work as a Personal Care Assistant for a large aged care facility. Working within the aged care sector has been extremely rewarding and I love the feeling I get when caring for others. Sharing smiles, creating memories and offering comfort to those who need it make my world a brighter place. In my spare time I love reading, collecting books, watching paranormal documentaries, colouring, gaming until my hearts content and socialising with my friends. I am the proud owner of a German Shepherd who fills my life with the utmost joy, even though he is an absolute terror... But who wants a boring pet anyway?

If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be? Honestly nothing. I mean we all want whiter teeth and no break outs don't we? And unfortunately I may be a little cursed in the eyebrow department considering one brow grows higher than the other but that's what makes me.. Me! Be yourself because an original is worth more than a copy, let people see the real, imperfect, flawed, quirky, weird, magical person you are! That is the best version you can ever be. Love the skin you are in!

How did you start modelling? When I was young, I was completely obsessed with "Americas Next Top Model". I always dreamt of being one of the girls in front of the camera! Modelling was always on my mind and I'm sure I annoyed my family with endless performances. My grandma told me recently that when I was a baby she sat me in front of the TV, where I watched a modelling show and became completely mesmerised... so I guess it was in my blood from the ripe old age of 9 months! I had the opportunity to live in Queensland during my late teenage years and decided I was going to start following my dreams. I found an amazing photographer who resided in Noosa, and experienced my first professional photo shoot. I fell completely in love with the whole process and have never stopped since! I'm always expanding my portfolio and looking for any opportunity to shoot.

What do you think of the work as a model? The ability to become a character, show emotions and explore different avenues in front of the camera is honesty my passion. Learning new techniques and expanding my knowledge excites me greatly and I'm forever looking for unique projects to create. It surprises me how many people think modelling is easy... I can tell you it's not. Holding your body in odd positions for periods of time, making sure each and every aspect is displayed perfectly, waiting for the right amount of sunshine, freezing weather, wardrobe malfunctions and shoes that may be to small... are all part of the modelling journey. But it's worth it. Especially if you are doing what you love! Modelling gives me empowerment, it gives me joy and it gives me a sense of pure happiness. I simply love it!

What is your beauty regimen? Water, Water, Water as boring as it tastes the health benefits are tremendous! I love green tea infused with coconut and drink a pot of it almost every afternoon. When it comes to skin care I cleanse, tone & moisturise every morning with an anti-wrinkle eye serum to keep those nasties at bay! Nightly I cleanse my skin and smother it in a divine smelling facial oil. Weekly I use a hydration mask as I sometimes suffer dry patches on my chin and keeping on top of hydration is most important. I recently purchased a black head suction machine and although it works really well I suggest you proceed with CAUTION... I ended up with a hickey on my face and couldn't stop laughing! Hair care is a big deal to me as I have wild curls that are unpredictable at the best of times. I use a curl control masque twice a week, protection sprays & a macadamia oil serum. I only shampoo twice a week and condition every time I wet my hair. Curly hair is a beautiful gift but trying to tame these wild locks is a difficult task to say the least. But all in all I love my curls. They are super special! Fitness has never been one of my strong points and gyms aren't really my thing. My goal this year was to find a way to get some exercise whilst having fun! So I recently started belly dancing and absolutely love it! The physicality of belly dancing blew my mind! After my first lesson I was almost melting into the floor but there was a smile on my face for the whole hour. Not only am I getting an amazing workout but I get to dress up in super cool belly dancer scarves and shake what my Mumma gave me!

What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others? I am a very social person with a lot of happy qualities. I have been described by others throughout my entire life as a "Shining Light" and endeavour to always uphold that. I am not afraid to show how I feel whether it be in my modelling work or my everyday life. My big, bright personality is something I am extremely proud of. I am a very caring and compassionate person which I believe shows with how I am with my friends, my role as a personal care assistant, when I greet strangers all the way down to how I am with my pets and other animals. I am a girl who lets her imagination run wild, her inner child free and may be sometimes seen as a little dorky. There is a fire inside me that I never smother. I am always laughing, doing goofy things and enjoy the little things in life. I find myself extremely down to earth with only a little dash of high maintenance tendencies as I am always getting my nails done. But hey... whatever makes you feel good right?

What are your plans for the future? Aside from dreaming of my own pair of Victoria's Secret wings one day, my plans consist of seeing the beautiful world we live in. Adventuring to Egypt to see the pyramids, floating on a gondola down the canals in Venice, admiring the Grand Canyon and being awe struck at the Louvre. I also plan to feed a giraffe, get kissed by seal, swim with dolphins, explore a shipwreck and appreciate every moment we have on this planet.

Do you have any advice for those who want to start modeling? Go for it! Follow your heart, follow your dreams! Practice posing, how to hold your face, how to control your body and keep yourself healthy. Always have fun in front of the camera... You want to remember the journey as well as the destination! Respect yourself and your comfort zones. Never get forced to do anything you are unsure about. Constructive criticism is a blessing. It allows you to learn, grow and develop always becoming better and better. Try new things. Be confident. Ask questions. Smile. Laugh. Enjoy the experience!

What are some of your favourite experiences so far? My favourite modelling experience so far would have to be shooting underwater. I have always been a good swimmer and used to pull off a really cool underwater handstand so I thought my skills would help me ace this shoot. Oh how dead wrong was I! Not only did I learn that I float at really inconvenient times but I learnt that my lung capacity isn't what I thought it would be, team that with about 4m of silk to pose with and I was like a turtle on its back! After guzzling lots of pool water from laughing hysterically at myself I finally got down to business. Through sheer determination, perseverance and the will to succeed I stayed in that pool for hours and learnt how to handle myself under water. Producing some of my all time favourite photos to date!

What do you think of the magazine? This magazine is really special in my eyes. It allows models, photographers, stylists and makeup artists to showcase their work without having a superstardom name. Giving everyone a chance to share their passions and love for what they do. It incorporates art, fashion, lifestyle and all the positive things one loves to read about! It connects people with the same of frame of mind and similar interests to others all over the world. I am truly honoured to be apart of this magazine thank you guys from the bottom of my heart xx

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