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Interview: Photographer Rene Wimmer (Austria)


Tell us something about yourself My name is Rene, I’m 32 years old, come from and live in Austria. I am married to my wife Birgit. Travelling and listening to music is what I love to do. Basically doing what I love is what I do.

How and when did you get into photography? It’s a funny story: 5 years ago a friend of mine asked me if I would like to join him to go on holiday with him. Because of this I bought myself my first camera, because I wanted to take better photos than I did before with my smartphone. Of course at that point I had no idea about light, shutterspeed, iso,.. That’s why I then looked on Youtube videos which told me how to use a camera and so I found some bloggers.. from that point I was hypnotized.

What does photography mean to you? Photography has changed my life. Now I suddenly see the world completely different, more open and beautiful as before. Since then I’ve been travelling more and I’ve been more in nature. Because of the photography I have met more new and nice people. Before that I was someone whe drove in his car form A to B. I am really greatful for that. Thank you to everybody I’ve been able to work with in the past and was able to get to know.

Please briefly describe your photography style for our readers. WOW this is going to be difficult. Specially in the last few years my style has really changed. Saying it differently: I think my photography style has actually only been developed last year. I love lifestyle and fashion photography paired with a tick of streetstyle. I’m more and more focused on the picturelook. I like big contrasts, twisted colours, but also I’m a huge fan of a strong black white. In one sentence: the picture has to have the WOW effect when I look at it in camera. It has to be said at this point, that this is only possible if you work with a brilliant team. That’s how I see it. 80% photography / 20% photoshop.

Where do you get inspiration from? I think like everyone, from colleagues and from the internet. I’m nobody who can reinvent the wheel. If I see some cool pictures, I take it as a mood and change it into my photography style. What I also love are spontaneous freestyle street sessions with models. Just to start a session without plan or pressure brings mostly many good pictures.

Think you in advance what you want in the picture? Most of the time I have the „basic“ structure in my mind (except the freestyle sessions like I’ve said before –smile-). I don’t get fixed on the idea in my head, I rather adjust my idea to the model, location, weather and improvise if it has to be.

Studio, on location or both? I prefer on location and outdoor. I do also like working in my studio, but there it’s more likely that I try out new techniques of lightshaping.

Would you consider yourself a hobbyist or a paid professional? I do earn my money through photography, but It would say that these words would describe me best: a creative scatterbrain who lives in his own world –laugh-.

What has been your most memorable session and why? I’ve experienced so many memorable sessions over the last few years, so I can’t only name one. But for sure, one of the coolest memorable session was the shooting trip to London just a few weeks ago ( Big thanks to the whole team that joined me).

What has been the biggest source of inspiration in your work? I always look for photographers that have a really distinctive style which I like. At the moment I like to enter into the topic colour looks. Movies are a brilliant source for colour looks. In the last couple of years the color grading has also been very popular in movies and so a great source. In the black- white photography for me it’s obvious: Peter Lindbergh. This man has made it. With his own style he as been popular for decades and still is. That is always my biggest inspiration. Doesn’t matter which branche.

Nikon or Canon? Favorite lens? Previously Nikon. Now Sony. It’s because Sony offers me with it’s mirrorless system new possibilities as normal DSLR do. I mostly use the objective 35mm F1.4 and 85mm F1.4

What is one piece of advice you would like to offer a new photographer looking to start their own business? Of course everyone needs a mentor from whom you can learn. It was the same with me and still is, but you should learn to transform it into your own style. Choose your own path, stay true to yourself and do what you love.

What do you think of our new magazine? Thanks to a model my pictures have already been printed in your magazine and thats how I got to know it. I like that it’s young, nicely written and that it has style. It’s fresh. Especially because you always print young artists. I really like that. Big THANK YOU from me that I’m allowed to be a part of this.

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