Interview: Model Selby Staynor ( Australia)
Can you tell us a little about you?
I’m 22 years old, working in advertising as an Art Director and doing modelling on the side. I have a huge passion for all things creative so I find that doing both gives me a strong creative release. I also love being active, doing gymnastics and futsal to keep in shape, I’m not much for the mindlessness of a usual gym.
If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?
I won’t lie, I’d love to be a little taller so I’d be able to apply for more jobs!
How did you start modelling?
Back in 2010, one of my friends was studying photography and needed models to shoot for his VCE portfolio and asked if I’d help him out. We ended up growing and shooting together multiple times a month for the next 3 years before he moved to London. I continued making connections in the industry and signed with an agency shortly after.
What do you think of the work as a model?
I think it’s a lot of fun, but it also takes a lot out of you mentally and physically. I don’t think it’s what people expect. You do, however, get to work with some amazing people in some amazing places.
What is your beauty regimen?
It’s really paired back and basic. If I’m not shooting I don’t tend to wear makeup, so my routine consists of washing my face at night and moisturising afterwards. I might treat myself to a face mask every now and then too.
What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others?
I’m quite down to earth and have a really dry sense of humour but am also really bubbly and giggly, it’s a bit of a yin and yang.
What are your plans for the future?
At the moment, I’m looking forward to traveling and exploring the world, immersing myself in other countries and cultures. I also want to dip my toe into other areas of the industry.
What are some of your favourite experiences so far?
Shooting in the snow one year was amazing, it was freezing but a lot of fun and a bit different to the usual studio sets and Melbourne scenes.
Do you have any advice for those who want to start modelling?
Do your research, make sure you’re safe and comfortable. If you don’t feel comfortable - say something, it’s important that you feel safe when working.
What do you think of the magazine?
I think it’s a great publication and a really good resource for those in the industry and people who enjoy great work.

Photographer - Simon Seto

Photographer - Ken Pryor

Photographer - Rachel Adams

Photographer - Kafei White

Photographer - Kafei White



Photographer - An La

Photographer - An La



Photographer - An La