Interview: Photographer Caroline Kuhne(Belgium & France)
Tell us something about yourself
I'm a French photographer living between Brussels and Paris. My studio is in Brussels, I shoot mainly portraits and beauty. I travel a lot to Paris too, my boyfriend lives there. Whenever I travel in a cool location, I try to plan a shoot.
How and when did you get into photography?
I used to draw a lot and to play with Photoshop as a teenager. I starting going more in photography by being a hobbyist model when I was in university. A few years later I went on the other side of the lens, first by shooting weddings. I'm focusing now on portraits and fashion.
What does photography mean to you?
It allows me to create something that only exists in my mind!
Please briefly describe your photography style for our readers.
The more I shoot, the more I go to dark and sexy. I experiment with a lot of different ideas that inspire me.
Where do you get inspiration from?
Old painting masters, movies, fashion magazines... There is so much inspiration out there.
Think you in advance what you want in the picture?
Yes, I always start with a specific concept in the beginning. Then we evolve during the shoot with the model and the team to try different ideas once we have the initial shot done. Usually the best shot is not the one I thought about at first!
Studio, on location or both?
Both! I'm working more and more in studio for my beauty work and portraits, and sometimes on location for fashion projects.
Would you consider yourself a hobbyist or a paid professional?
Paid professional.
What has been your most memorable session and why?
A scenic beach in a luxury hotel in Thailand. It was for a portrait session. We stayed there all afternoon waiting for the best light. At some point it started to rain, full tropical crazy style. I got slightly nervous but luckily the rain didn't last. The colors are just lovely and it was a great session!
What has been the biggest source of inspiration in your work?
Fashion magazines since I was little!
Nikon or Canon? Favorite lens?
Canon of course! Love the bokeh of 70-200mm 2.8.
What is one piece of advice you would like to offer a new photographer looking to start their own business?
Decide what style of photography suits you best and go there fully. Don't waste too much time trying to do everything, don't waste too much money buying everything. Go out there and shoot.
What do you think of our new magazine?
I love it! We don't have many fashion magazines in Belgium. I have worked with one model that weas featured in your June 2017 edition and it's a great way to discover new talents in our region.
@carolinekuhnephoto on Instagram

Model Leeloo Genestier - MUA Caroline Kühne

MUA Coraline Jakubiec

Model Naomi Faye - Makeup EliaCuzzucoli

Model Naomi Faye - Makeup EliaCuzzucoli

Model Miss Anne Thropy - MUA Caroline Kühne

Model Marie Delattre - MUA Caroline Kühne

Model Elena - MUA Caroline Kühne

Model Charlotte Bailey - MUA Caroline Kühne

Model Caroline Venturini - MUA Caroline Kühne

Model Anka - MUA Caroline Kühne

Model Julien W - MUA Caroline Kühne

Model Miss Anne Thropy - MUA Caroline Kühne