Interview: Model Lora Saint (Netherlands)
Can you tell us a little about you?
Hey! My name is Lora Saint and im from Letland, currently living now in Netherlands. Im passionate about modeling, fitness and healthy lifestyle.
If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?
I wouldnt change anything about myself. Except , i sometimes spend too much time making the right decisions. And in the end the first one was the best to choice, haha. I would say im very choosey about certain things. But otherwise , i think im unique and beautiful as I am. Everyone should love theirself from inside and out. In this life we have only one body so you better love it and respect it.
How did you start modeling?
I started modeling when i was like 14 years old. I liked to be in front of the camera and i guess other people saw it as well. My first real expierience was , when i participate as a model in Riga Fashion week. That was my first catwalk expiecience and it was amazing. I was stressted out, obviously, but the feeling when everyones eyes were on me was incredible. It last only for like 15 seconds, but i definitely felt like a star .
What do you think of the work as a model?
I think working as a model is exciting. Its possible to meet so many different people from whole over the world. Definitely a great expirience. Since im a freelance photo model, i dont follow the tought body parameters and standarts. I go to gym, eat well and rescpect my body.
What is your beauty regimen?
I have a simple beautifying routine. In morning alaways wash my face with natural gel. And in the evenings – shower, lotion my body, take of makeup and cleanse my face. And i take a really good care of my hair, couse im bleached blonde, so conditioning is nr.1 everytime i wash my hair + argan oil is a saver. And eating well is the most important thing if you want to shine from outside you need to also eat very healthy. Thats not a problem for me, couse i actually never liked coca cola, candies or junk food. And my skin also improved a lot since i become vegetearian, well, im almost vegan but i sometimes cough myself eating cheese.
What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others?
I think everyone`s unique. And im the one who usually looks on things optimisticly. Im very motivated and focused on my goals. And i have creative state of mind, i guess that`s because i studied art from age 8. As well i followed fashion from that age and i even graduated Gints Bude models school, where i actually practiced a lot catwalk, posing and studied most famous fashion designers and their collections.
What are your plans for the future?
My plans for future are very BIG! Im already working on my own brand which is already esxciting for me. When i was a small child, i dreamed about that a lot.
What are some of your favorite experiences so far?
So far i had great expieriece with many photgraphers. Beautiful locations and glamorous outfits or completely other way around. Scary locations and trashy streetoutfits. I loved them all. But i guess my favourites are still fashion and fitness shoots, couse there i feel like in my own skin.
Do you have any advice for those who want to start modeling?
For those who want to start modeling i have only one advice: Just do it! Its a great way to build up confidence and meet many inspiring people.
What do you think of the magazine?
The magazine is great! So many different artworks in just one magazine. Definifely inspiring and worth to check out every month.

by Rob Pols

by Rob Pols

by Rob Pols

by Rob Pols






by Rob Pols
