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Interview: Model Anna Nezhyva (Latvia)


Can you tell us a little about you?

My name is Anna. I am from Ukraine. Now I am living in Latvia. My favorite things to do are sport and modeling.

If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?

Every day I am trying to improve my body and my inner state, as I think every person should improve himself daily.

How did you start modeling?

I have started modeling when I was 16 years old. Some photographers asked me to help them with photo sessions and that is how it began. Now I enjoy this process and when photographers are asking me to help them, I am always helping with pleasure.

What do you think of the work as a model?

I guess it is perfect possibility to show yourself from the best side. After working as a model, every person is more confident.

What is your beauty regimen?

I am going to the gym 5 days in a week. It is easy for me, as I like to keep myself fit. Also main thing is too eat healthy, as it will be no result If you will eat a lot junk and unhealthy food.

What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others?

If I like something, I am doing all the best to get highest result.

What are your plans for the future?

Plans for the future is to continue make what I like and to be open for everything new.

What are some of your favorite experiences so far?

Best experience for me, was take a part in “Miss Ukraine 2017”

Do you have any advice for those who want to start modeling?

Do not be afraid, shy and start to do something that you like. It is the best way to improve yourself and all what is around you. Beauty will save the world.

What do you think of the magazine?

Journal is on high level, beautiful girls and awesome photos. Thank you, that you are sharing this beauty with others. It is nice that you offered me to public myself.

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