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Interview: Model Julia Wajnert (Poland)


Can you tell us a little about you?

This is the most difficult question to be honest, because every day defines new kind of emotions. By profession i am working as Graphic Designer. Except being a photomodel, being a photographer and retouching the photos were always my hobbies, as well as good nutrition and of course coffee! If there is one thing i'm addicted to, it is the coffee. If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?

Oversensitivity. Every thing that happens to me i feel three times more intensely.

How did you start modeling?

I started my journey with photomodeling about four years ago. My complexes and my insecurity gave me a reason to check if different people will look at me the same way as i was looking at myself back then.

What do you think of the work as a model?

First of all – it is an amazing adventure, that gives me an opportunity to create various types of characters, discover new feelings and introduce myself and people who appreciate me to new emotions. Being an photomodel creates so many ways to meet new, creative people, that alongside with me, bring new visual life into our world in their own, individual way. Photomodeling is also a challenge, specially when photo session take place in e.g. with minus temperature, and the creations and dresses are made from thin material, but opportunity to work with those people and final results are always worth of those kind of sacrifices.

What is your beauty regimen?

Rosehip seed oil. Perfect for sensitive skin. What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others?

It’s hard to say, really. Every one can see something different in me, that makes this person curious of my characters or my photo sessions. Personally, i do not know how to answer this question, because i have never realy thought of that.

What are your plans for the future?

I think that i don’t have any extraordinary plans. I would like to further develop myself with my passions, but surely in not so distant future i will have to start thinking about settling down.

What are some of your favorite experiences so far?

My first, let’s call it photo camp, that i was participating in and which in translation means Aromatic Photo Meetings. This meetings were about capturing some unique character, with special creations in unusual places. Participants were the people who glimpse a bit differently on the surrounding world, as also they tend to create more darkly vissions. The most beautiful thing about this camp was an opprotunity to work with those great, fascinating and talented People, who similarly perceive the world as i do and are willingly creating their own, different reality.

Do you have any advice for those who want to start modeling?

Stay truth to yourself, do not succumb to the pressure of the environment and do not perform anything against your own will. What do you think of the magazine

This magazine is an fantastic way of ,,meeting’’ new people by reading their interviews, it gives an ability to admire thier way of capturing world, and gives the inspiration for own future photo sessions. I think it is one of the most inspiring places in which any artist, photographer or photomodel, can find something for themself.

Michał Gańko Photography

Photography: Amos Photography Poland (Paweł Szenk)

Photography: (Sebastian Wielechowski) Make-up and hair: MaKra MakeUp (Magdalena Jurszczyn)

Photography: Michał Gańko Photography Make-up and hair: Agnieszka Wojciechowska

Photography and stylization: Yumikasa Photography (Monika Łasicka)

Photography: MIQUA Photo Emotion (Kamil Mikuła)

Photography: Anna Sychowicz

Photography: Ado Project (Ado Bachórz ) Wolfhounds:

Photography: Ado Project (Ado Bachórz ) Dress: Blackfashiondesign (Piotr Sienkiewicz) Make-up and Hair: Sebastian Pawłowski

Photography: Anna Sychowicz

Photography: Anna Sychowicz

Photographer: Remi Dąbrowski Mua: Agnieszka Wojciechowska

Photography: Ado Project (Ado Bachórz ) Wolfhounds:

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