Interview: Makeup artist & Photographer Nina Almo (Netherlands)
Tell us something about yourself
I'm Nina Almo, Makeup artist, pattern designer , Photographer and Blogger from Belgium .
How and when did you get into photography?
I always loved art, but I never really planned getting into photography, it just sort of happened. I started taking pictures in 2011 as a passion, In 2016 I made my own studio and started to work with professional models. I think the reason I ended up in fashion is that I love every aspect of it from the clothing to modeling and makeup.
What does photography mean to you?
For me photography is an expression of what I see around me, and how it makes me feel. Everyone is unique, and no 2 people will take a photograph or see a photograph in the same way, we all see things differently and that should be enjoyed to the full. Photography is a creative expression, therefore there is no right or wrong way to do it.
Please briefly describe your photography style for our readers.
I would describe my style as feminine and colourful. I shoot in both studio and natural light situations, focusing mainly on the beauty of the model.
Where do you get inspiration from?
I get my inspiration from everything and everywhere... Nature, light, faces, colours...
Think you in advance what you want in the picture?
I may have an idea for a type of model or makeup, but I prefer to work things out at at the time of the shoot.
Studio, on location or both?
Both, sometimes it's not my choice to shoot in studio or on location.
Would you consider yourself a hobbyist or a paid professional?
I'm a professional photographer in an early stage. But I hope that I will never stop enjoying taking pictures and developing my technics.
What has been your most memorable session and why?
I almost remember all sessions when I look at my pictures. They all have something special, I enjoy every session I have, with every model I have in front of my camera :).
What has been the biggest source of inspiration in your work?
The emotions of the person I'm taking picture of .
Nikon or Canon? Favorite lens?
Canon - 50mm lens
What is one piece of advice you would like to offer a new photographer looking to start their own business?
Don’t be disheartened when your hard work doesn’t pay off straight away. Make sure you have the talent. Always believe in your work. And don’t give up.
What do you think of our new magazine?
I really enjoyed reading it ! It's amazing to be able to see such varied work in one place.
Insagram : @nina.thecrispylipstick
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