Interview: Model Aleksandra Wacyra (Poland)
Can you tell us a little about you?
I am a model come from a small, mountanious city Piechowice in south-west Poland, but I live in Wroclaw right now. Modelling is my passion, life and addiction. At first that was a hobby to spend free time, meet new firends...I'm free spirit, always smiled, can't sit on one place for a long time, falling in love with theater, music, skydiving. I like exploring life peace by peace. And...I forgot...Minions lover ;)
If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?
Usually I think about my high. I would love to be higher, because of much more opportunities in modelling. But sometimes I see beautiful girls who are, let's say, not high enough and achieve success in this field. Working hard is the key to gain your goals and I am doing it the best as I can.
How did you start modeling?
It's a long story begins in my childhood...I 've always loved public performances. I don't remember this exacly but my mom told me that on my 2nd birthday I said to everyone from my family : “Now, please sit all in the circle and there will be a show!” And I danced Peter Tchaikovsky's “Swan Lake, that was so kcnock-kneed. After that in my teenage time I have episodes in theater – international workshops, playing in school theater in highschool, working in theather in Wrocław during my studies...I always love photos too. I did one winter camaign for shopping center in Wroclaw, but as many models, I thought that I was not good enough, too short, too fat... there are many more beautiful girls than me...and one day I met Patrycja (a photographer, from my areas), who I follow on Facebook almost a year ago. She wrote me about her summer project and wanted me to pose for her. I agreed and that was a point when my adventure with modelling first I had photosessions from time to time, at present there are many and it's lovely. Now Patrycja is my friend and I will be always grateful for her to supporting me and kicks in my ass when I have doubts and silly thoughts. :)
What do you think of the work as a model?
It's not a piece of cake, it's hard work (sometimes in very diffucult weather conditions – when ist very windy or under 0 degrees), defeating your weaknesses and wrestling with never ending critisism, because it always be someone who is prettier or shaplier than you. There are so many gorgeous girls, women in this world.
But it forms your character and presonality as well and when you love modelling, posing it doesn't matter, because you feel free like you're flying.
What is your beauty regimen?
A couple years ago I had many problems with health – allergies, intolerances etc. Now I am doing well, but this experience tought me to eat healthy, not so many fast foods but let's not get crazy – when I want to eat cake or chocolate I can eat a whole bar! Also my mom has known from her gorgeous cooking, since I was a child she has sevred me so delicious dinners, breakfasts and desserts, nothing in this world doesn't taste like mommy's food. I think I got it out from my home. Eating is the most important think in my life (smile).
I also practise so many activities, trying to do it everyday, gym, stretching, swimming pool, joga, dancing like salsa lessons (I'm brand new in this kind of dancing, earlier modern dance), running. As you heard it's not bornig, new day – new sport ;) and I have one plan for my future sport...
What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others?
Personally I think it's not exactly a question for me, rather to photografers who I worked with and to my close friends. They have some opinions for sure.
What are your plans for the future?
Time will tell...Of course I have so many dreams, plans connected with modelling, dream photographers who I would love to work with, dream session which I want to do...currently I have a job so I can focus on my modelling passion :) I hope there will be an opprotunity to go deeper in modelling and it becomes my real job. Also improving my workshop in this field is really important thing for me, I treat it very serious, besides it's a lot of fun. I also invite all of you to my instagram, facebook and profile, you can find there currently effects of my work.
Out of modelling I have one big plans, but it's top'll se in the near future.
What are some of your favorite experiences so far?
It's a tough question. Favourite experiences in modelling...every photosession when I meet new poeple and some of them become my fiends later. Every meeting has special moments, unique, which distinguish it form others. I have my own ritual...I ascribe songs to each photosession. The character of the songs reflect atmosphere, climate, photograhper's personality and our relation (included chemistry) during the photosession. I choose what plays in my heart in that moment. I'm collecting every moment in my heart and soul.
Outside the modelling the first favourite experience was when I've stayed on the stage of Norwid Theater in Jelenia Góra with my school troupe from C.K. Norwid School at the first time. After our first play on festival, all lights switched on and we get red roses and standing ovation. I was only 18, but in that moment I felt I did something important for the world and all people sitting on the audience.
The second is my unbelieveble parachute jump over small German island Sylt last year. Wonderful crew, best views I have ever seen and that freedom...peace...and the sky and a human bird...I'm totally in love....I'm addicted...
Do you have any advice for those who want to start modeling?
Forgot about the phase “You are not good enough”. Always remmember “You are who you are, you are unique”. Work hard, not giving up, be yourself because pretending someone else takes to much time and it's dishonest to other people and especially you. And be happy of what you love, take the best things from modelling. Taste this peace by peace.
What do you think of the magazine?
I love that idea, interesting articles and photos of course. You make a good work guys.

fot. Remi Dąbrowski mua. Agnieszka Wybierek

fot. Tomasz Pędziwiatr mua. Monika Chrzanowska hair. Sara Kowalska

fot.&styl Danuta Urbanowicz mua. Ewa Lefek

fot. Tomasz Sipa

fot.&styl.&mua Patrycja Wojtkowiak

fot. Rafal Makiela mua. Krysia Makiela dress. Patrycja Kujawa

fot. & styl. Monika Cichoszewska

fot. Dmytro Gurnicki mua. Marta Socha

fot. & styl. Patrycja Wojtkowiak mua. Ewa Lefek

fot. Daniel Bidiuk mua.&styl Blanka Smolarek