J'aime vraiment le fait que l'on puisse parcourir de nouveaux univers, découvrir de nouveaux photographes, modèles, MUA et tout cela gratuitement. Je remercie d'ailleurs le magazine de me laisser m'exprimer en quelques questions :-)
- Model Stacy Lejeune - (Belgium)
I admit that I did not know about this magazine before but I find that the concept is very interesting. Modellenland tells about fashion and everything around it. It gives beginners like me the opportunity to be known in several countries. Thank you!
- Model Elodie Duchesne - (Belgium)
Modellenland is één van vele die met verstand bezig is, ik vind mooi wat ze doen en andere helpen is ook jezelf helpen
- Model Dede Abla Ayite - (Belgium)
I really like that you give creative people from all over the world a chance to show their work. It´s fresh and unconventional. I think it´s great.
- Photographer Christin Helmund - (Germany)
This magazine is an fantastic way of ,,meeting’’ new people by reading their interviews, it gives an ability to admire thier way of capturing world, and gives the inspiration for own future photo sessions. I think it is one of the most inspiring places in which any artist, photographer or photomodel, can find something for themself.
- Model Model Julia Wajnert - (Poland)
The magazine is great! So many different artworks in just one magazine. Definifely inspiring and worth to check out every month.
- Model Lora Saint - (Netherlands)
I discovered it through nice edito pictures on the social medias and I like the fact that it takes risks with some original and various editos. It allows to discover new artists, because unfortunately in the main magazines, it is usually always the same artists…. Keep on the good work !
- Photographer Metco Brams - (France)
Ich finde Euer Magazin richtig toll und würde mich freuen, wenn es richtig erfolgreich wird.
- Photographer Reinhard Fürstberger - (Germany)
It is very interesting, I think that everyone can find something for himself.
- Photographer Anna Konieczna - (Poland)
I think is good new fresh publication and the way it's done, it will attract more and more reader's.
- Model Sany Fedorenko - (USA)
I appreciate the artistic talent of the photographers you have used in the magazine. I have heard positive reviews from former collaborators and I am looking forward to the opportunity to work together.
- Model: Énkar Mirambell Nadal - (Spain)
The landscape of magazines changes fast, with them coming and going. Modellenland is doing well so far and I can tell that it is run with passion. I wish you all the best for the future and want to thank you for inviting me for this interview!
- Photographer Yannick von Grabowiecki - (UK)
Amazing obviously! I think it's a great way for models to get their face out their in the industry as we all know theirs a new face every five minutes so you have to keep up your marketing of yourself! I love how it's not only about models its a magazine for everyone too! Thank you ModellenLand Magazine for having me and thank you to everybody who has read my interview.
- Model Natasha Oliver - (Uk)
I love it! We don't have many fashion magazines in Belgium. I have worked with one model that weas featured in your June 2017 edition and it's a great way to discover new talents in our region.
- Photographer Caroline Kuhne - (France)
It looks great! Feels very fresh and modern. It captures your interest.
- Photographer Erica Rockabella Lundin - (Sweden)
I think it’s a great publication and a really good resource for those in the industry and people who enjoy great work
- Model Selby Staynor - (Australia)
I got to know Modellenland by seeing my picture on the cover. From that moment I was totally excited.
- Photographer Oliver Fotoclassica - (Germany)
It's a great opportunity to show undiscovered talents. It's interesting to see how everyone interprets and that talents of photographers is exhibited. I find that it is good idea to gather photopgraph and model. Thank you modellenland .
- Model Oriane Lorrain - (France)
I have to say that I really love your magazine. What an amazing concept where you really feature all the hard working professionals in our industry.
- Photographer Vincent Gotti - (VS)
I like the magazine very much, especially interviews with various people. They are very inspiring. I'm glad I can be one of those people, I can inspire others to respond to my actions;)
- Model Olga Lewicka - (Poland)
I am very enthusiastic about the concept and like to rummage through it. Not too well-known or media-deprived artists find their well-deserved place and everyone has the opportunity to finally get to know them.
- Franziska Korries Fotografie - (Germany)
Eure Zeitschrift finde ich super! Mir gefällt euer allgemeines Konzept und die Vorstellung von einzigartigen Menschen und ihrer Geschichte. Ihr unterstützt und inspiriert Menschen auf diesem Weg Model, Fotograf/in oder Stylist/in zu sein, oder zu werden. Vielen lieben Dank!
- Model Marilena Titze - (Germany)
I love that you have a magazine where models get a chance to speak up and use their voice. We're so used to just being a face and your magazine gives us a platform to be more than just that. Thank you :)
- Model Therese Bengtsson - ( New York)
Je trouve ce magazine intéressant puisqu’il peut permettre à des personnes passionnées de faire découvrir leur travail .
- Model Sohah Lurn - (France)
I like the idea of giving emerging artists a forum to introduce themselves and am excited to see which content is about to come, which people to get to know and what photos to admire.
- Photographer Isabelle Herbert - (Germany)
This a great opportunity to match together all professional people and discover the secret to others. I wish you a lot of success..
- Cover Girl Valentina Beli - New-York)
I think it’s truly inspiring,it’s a fantastic magazine.I´m so excited to have this opportunity to be published in this magazine. Thank you!
- Model Marta Renoir - (Italy)
I am pleased and honored to have been selected for your magazine, and I am looking forward to be part of it.
- Model Alessia Marseglia - (Italy)
I think it's amazing and I love to see other models and photographers work. It gives
me inspiration to future photoshoot, and I’m so happy to be a part of this divine
magazine. So thank you.
- ModelBianca Akeyla Christensen - (Denmark)
It is not so long since I discovered the magazine. A very talented Model and at the same time photographer had a publication with also some photos of me in Modellenland. I felt so honored and happy for her, but also for me because she chose my photos. When I received the request for an interview for Modellenland I totally flipped out. It feels great that I get the chance to introduce me and show my photos in a magazine full of beautiful and inspiring pictures by Models and photographers. Modellenland is such a multifaceted magazine. It's a great opportunity to show undiscovered talents. As I said, the ideas of the pictures are really inspiring even if they aren't new. It's interesting to see how everyone interprets. The aspect that I mostly like about the magazine is that the focus is not only in fashion but on lifestyle.
- Model Lisa Pauli - (Germany)
It's an amazing, innovative magazine for models and all types of artists! Which also helps to inspire and guide the aspiring models and artists out there. I am so honoured and very grateful to be a part of this stunning publication! Thank you so much and keep up the good work!
Mucho love and light to all the 'Modellenland' team and of course to all the readers.
- Model Amy Louise - (Spain)
I like the concept of the magazine. It shows a lot of interesting people from all world. Wish u good luck;
- Model Polina Kult - (Russia)
Ik vind het een interessant magazine , omdat er ook veel gaande is in dat magazine, zoals bv: interviews,shootingdays,covers etc....
- Model Nathalie Verbist - (Belgium)
Nothing comes easy, but if you love it and are willing to work hard for it you can achieve anything you set your mind on. Believe in yourself and the rest will follow.
- Photographer Mia Ossbring - (Sweden)
I think you can learn a lot about modern photographers and models
- Photographer Pawel Fabisiak - (Poland)
I like it a lot, it inspires me. I am very grateful for this interview!
- Photography Edyta Bruchal - (UK)
I like it, go guys!!
- Model AleRose Suicide - (Italy)
Ich sehe die Zeitschrift Modellenland als eine grossartige Plattform für neue Gesichter. Die Möglichkeit die die Zeitschrift bietet, durch Fotos und persoenliche Geschichten der Models, Menschen einen anderen Blickwinkel zu bieten und auch den Models sich zu praesentieren, sehe ich als grosse Chance und tolle Idee.
Ich bedanke herzlich beim Team von Modellenland fuer das Interview.
- Model Gabriela Milcheva - (Austria)
It has a fresh and modern concept, interesting themes and content, as well as a great layout and super photos. Although it is a free magazine, it is high quality and targets a wide audience. It's a fashion magazine for everybody!
- Model Mina Mendes - (Germany)
It’s a fantastic showcase of some amazingly talented people and an endless source of inspiration - its an absolute privilege to appear alongside them.
- Photographer James Hall - (UK)
It seems to me a serious and quality publication, with a very important work contributing to the dissemination of artists who don’t easily find where to be seen. I think it is an initiative worthy of admiration because it means a great deal of selfless work. Personally I feel very fortunate and grateful that you have counted on me for this publication. I hope that Modellend Land Magazine continues to grow up even more among photography and fashion publications.
- Photographer Fidel Comas - (Spain)
Thank you for being there and I can post my pictures just like a few words about me. Thank you very much
- Photographer Seweryn Kiedrowicz - (United Kingdom)
To be honest, I didn’t had much time to take a thorough look at it, but what I saw so far was really good! I especially like the fact that you’re doing a real PDF magazine, which helps me a lot to focus on the content.
- Photographer Christoph Boecken- (Germany)
I like that the magazine is completely free to read on the website and free to download in PDF because visual art should be accessible to a wide audience. I saw in the magazine photos of models with a non-standard, but very beautiful appearance and it's great. And I like the simple and clean design of the magazine, I as a graphic designer, can note this fact.
- Model Oksana Lavrova - (Russia)
I like Modellen land magazine because is very cool and talks about different topics.
- Model Sara Bruno - (Italy)
ik vindt het modellenmagazine heel interssant om te zien en zeker om dingen bij te leren van andere moddelen zo leer je iedere dag toch iets bij met de nodige tips van andere mensen
- Michelle Boonen - (Belgium)
Ich finde diese Zeitschrift und deren Arbeit sehr wertvoll. Denn dadurch werden auch Künstler unterstützt die nicht einen bekannten Namen haben.
- Model Manuela Cairoli - (Switzerland)
Ich find die Zeitschrift sehr Interessant! Vor allem die ganzen verschiedenen Persönlichkeiten.
- Model Daniela Reisinger - (Austria)
I am glad you contacted me - it's a great way of promoting creative people and letting them connect!
- Model Katarzyna Sprengel - (Australia)
A spectacular magazine, interesting and important variety
- Photographer Sali Petel - (Israël)
The magazine is very creative, beautiful publications. Has its potential.
- Model Ewelina Kisiel - (London)
Es ist ein tolles Magazin. Ein Treffpunkt für Fotografen und Modellen.
- Photographer Heike Suhre - (Netherlands)
I really like the magazine. It's cool that there is a place where you can find inspiration both as a professional but also as an amateur. And also a place where there is room for different types and talents. Hopefully it can also help me meeting a lot of new people and people that have the same desires as you. I'm proud to be a part of it so thank you so much for the opportunity.
- Model Julie Kristine Moeller Johnsen - (Denmark)
I like the diversity and the quality of the photos
Also it’s great to give exposure to emerging artists
Thank you for the interview and wish you all the best with the magazine
- Photographer Tasos Anestis - (Greece)
Tof initiatief
- Model Tarra Koppers - (Netherlands)
I'm happy to have discovered your magazine;with your work you give a chance to photographers and models to emerge and look for ward to something,this is a completely impossible on other magazines.Continue in this way,my compliments.’
- Photographer Marco Tacca - (Italy)
C'est un très chouette magazine je conseille toutes personnes à venir le lire
- Model Anais Perdieu - (Belgium)
Its an awesome magazine, with great photos from photographers around the world. But what I really like is their goal to really get to know the photographers they publish.
- Photographer Nicki Astrup - (Denmark)
Ik vind het een geweldig blad ! Altijd leuke interviews en heel goed om jezelf voor te stellen als model, fotograaf en makeup artist. Ook omdat modellenland er veel foto's bij zet en je de kans geeft om te laten zien wie jij bent
- Model Fiorella de vos - (Netherlands)
I think it is an amazing opportunity to share photographers and models works from different countries and discover news faces.
- Photographer Zoé Roulon - (France)
I think it is an inspiring magazine, because there are so many talented photographers, models and make up artists. The interviews are exciting to read, because you get some insight in other people’s career.
- Model Anne Sofie - (Denmark)
Ich finde das Magazin wundervoll und einzigartig. In Anbetracht der vielen tollen Modelle in eurer Zeitschrift, fühle ich mich sehr geehrt nun selbst einmal darin erscheinen zu dürfen. Vielen Dank!
- Cover Girl Lea Jones - (Switzerland)
Love it! As it shows so many different photographic styles and that is definitely a huge source of inspiration.
- Photographer Martin Duerr - (Germany)