Ik lees jullie magazine altijd met erg veel plezier, het is inspirerend om een ander zijn of haar verhaal bij de fotografie, of het model-wezen, te lezen.
- Photographer Jacqueline Verhoef - (Netherlands)
It is a great online industry magazine. Informational and fun reading
- Model Laura McGuire - (USA)
I liked it! Many inspirations and interesting interviews. And now it’s nice to be a part of the issue.
It’s a pleasure for me! Thank you :)
- Photographer Michał Laskowski - (Poland)
Ik vind het ten eerste ontzettend goed dat er een online Belgisch fashion magazine bestaat, aangezien er weinig modebladen meer over zijn in België na de crisis. Ook waardeer ik het enorm wanneer tijdschriften zoals modellenland magazine interviews publiceren van modellen en deze een stem geven, vaak gaat een publicatie niet verder dan alleen een foto. Ik hoop ook dat het magazine een groter bereik zal krijgen, want dat is zeker verdient.
- Model Lizette Croes - (Netherlands)
For me it's great. Photographers from different countries with different points of view. Your magazine is also a fantastic place to gain inspiration.
- Photographer/Model Dominika Dąbkowska - (Poland)
I think it’s great, high professional photos showed and I’m very honour to be able to show my work in this magazine. Thanks.
- Photographer Bruno de Carvalho - (Portugal)
Interesting project which helps talented guys reach their goal
- Model Alina Volkova - (Russia)
t's a very cool concept. It's inspiring to read other peoples stories. Good job guys!
- Model Nadia Murgasova -(NYC)
I LOVE it!! When Peter offered me the chance to be interviewed, after having a photograph featured in a model’s portfolio and interview, I jumped at the chance.
The quality of work being showcase is incredible, this is a magazine that should be on the subscription list of every serious photographer throughout the world.
- Photographer Neil J Tandy - (New York)
I have to say it’s a brilliant idea for promoting genuine, good photography. I’m very grateful for the opportunity to appear on its pages. Thank you!
- Photographer Roland Okoń - (Poland)
You have asked me about sources of inspiration – your magazine can be definitely one of them, so you should be proud.
- Photographer Tomasz Sipa - (Poland)
I have been following Modellenland for a long time now and it is undoubtedly a source of inspiration. I like it very much because it allows us to have very different visions of photographic works that at first sight could even be similar. This allows me to broaden horizons and have other perspectives of things. Sometimes a very small detail makes all the difference in a photo. That inspires me.
- Photographer Miguel Barbosa - (Portugal)
I think it’s a high-level magazine, showing the achievements of people from all over the world. The idea of presenting photographers or models with their history and effects of their works is really interesting and inspiring. I’m glad to be among all these people.
- Model Paulina Zaczkiewicz - (Poland)
It’s a great possibility to give people a chance to show what they can do. The mixture from countries, models, photographers and makeup artists makes a very colorful rainbow how photography grows and looks like. I’m really proud to be picked out and that I can show some work of me. All the best to the Modellenland team & Thank you very much for choosing me Peter!
- Photographer Harald Fischerlehner - (Austria)
I love the concept of it. Bringing talented people from different parts of the world together in one magazine. I’m proud to be part of this now!
- Model Jessika Dias - (Belgium)
I think it's a great magazine! I like it for it's contents and the possibilities it offers, not just for
the photographers but for the whole sector working behind it. I think it's really great!
- Photographer Thomas Lui - (Italy)
like the magazine. It lets new talents introduce themselves and show their works to the world
- Model Kseniya Arhangelova - (Poland)
I think it's great! I'm very happy that you wanted to interview with me and show my work among so many talented people. I am very pleased. I keep my fingers crossed for you and I will keep a close eye on you for sure!
- Photographer Ania Kosik - (Poland)
A great space to share our work, experiences and ideas. Thank you for having me . It was lovely to talk to you.
- Model Layla Miquelino - (Brazil)
Thanks to a model my pictures have already been printed in your magazine and thats how I got to know it. I like that it’s young, nicely written and that it has style. It’s fresh. Especially because you always print young artists. I really like that. Big THANK YOU from me that I’m allowed to be a part of this.
- Photographer Rene Wimmer - (Austria)
Klasse, tolle Chance für Models , Fotografen, Makeupartisten und Stylisten :)
- Model Johanna Kleen - (Germany)
Super! Ik ben heel blij dat ik bij deze er deel van kan uitmaken.
- Photographer Valerie Vercruysse - (Belgium)
It is an amazing opportunity for photographers, MUA’s and models to put themselves on the map. In this industry there are a lot of new faces all the time, so keep up the good work and thank you for having me.
- Model Daphne Ermstrang - (Netherlands)
I think your magazine is very honest in terms of gives opportunity to showcase and also free to read very good idea
- Photographer Kotchakorn Reeve - (Uk)
It is an interessant magazine for those who want to keep in touch with the world of modeling.
Really nice! Very elegant a true source of inspiration!
- Model Nicole Volpe - (Italy)
It is a beautiful showcase of models and great photographers to be inspired by. It is truly an honor for me to be part of it
- Photographer Lino Di Lernia - (Italy)
I like the fact that there are magazines that give people the opportunity to expand their photography and passion
- Model Nastasja Carini - (UK)
Rendezvous place for artists. Great publications, stories and interviews. I am happy and thankful to be part of it.
- Photographer Zoë Daez - (Netherlands)
Je trouve ce magazine riche car les modèles sont différentes les unes des autres il n’y a pas de cases.
- Model Elena Paillaugue - (France)
Ich finde das Magazin super. Beim stöbern findet man immer wieder neue tolle Fotografen, Models etc pp. Ich kann nur sagen weiter so. Und bedanke mich bei euch das ihr mir die Möglichkeit geboten habt mich hier kurz vor stellen zu dürfen. :)
- Photographer Frank Teich - (Germany)
Great. Good idea. Love. Interesting.
- Model Franziska Scheffter - (Germany)
I think your magazine is fresh, young and brilliant. The space dedicated to the models is very well done. Congratulations!
- Model Jessica Griggio - (Italy)
Gratuit et accessible avec plus de 160 pays qui donne une opportunité de se faire connaitre et d’échanger nos passions, notamment au niveau artistique que social. Je pense à mon sens, que c’est un bon magazine.
- Model Stéphanie Dutron - (Belgium)
Journal is on high level, beautiful girls and awesome photos. Thank you, that you are sharing this beauty with others. It is nice that you offered me to public myself.
- Model Anna Nezhyva - (Latvia)
Your new magazine makes a good first impression, I think I will use it as my next source of inspiration
- Photographer Marcin Ciepieniak - (Poland)
Modellen Land Magazine is een strak concept om iedereen uit de fashionwereld een platform te geven om zijn beelden op te kunnen tonen.
- Photographer Sjoske Brackx - (Belgium)
Magazine is really professional, it gives me a lot of inspiration. Modellenland Magazine is very diverse, shows the work of incredibly talented people. You can see that the magazine is celebrating art, beauty and creativity. I'm very happy about it.
- Model Sonia Ziobro - (Poland)
Ich finde die Zeitschrift super! Echt toll das ihr junge Models, Sylisten und Fotographer unterstütz und ich denke, es ist sehr von Vorteil, wenn Menschen die das auch gerne machen möchten, von anderen über ihre Erfahrungen lesen können.
- Model Chanelle Doreen Wyrsch - (Switzerland)
I really like it and I think that this will be the future. An online magazine, which can be printed in case someone wants to, fits the more personal way of living in the future. Your magazine gives the opportunity to new artist, photographers and models to inspire also others in the branche and that a great way to grow together.
- Photographer Norman Ganschow - (Germany)
I think it's an interesting newspaper because it compares different international models with different experiences
- Model Alessia Moro - (Italy)
I love it. It’s so interesting to read about the perspectives on modeling from other models and photographers, I learned a lot from it and discovered some great artists that are really inspiring.
- Cover Girl Yoni Rivar - (Belgium)
Je l'ai découvert récemment et j'aime beaucoup, de très belles images, des interviews très intéressantes, un contenu qualitatif. Je suis plus que ravi et honnoré d'en faire maintenant parti.
- Photographer Samuel Artman - (Paris)
I love that idea, interesting articles and photos of course. You make a good work guys.
- Model Aleksandra Wacyra - (Poland)
It's nice! A really cool way to connect the scene and help artists to share their work!
- Photographer Daniele Atzori - (Germany)
I love the concept of your magazine and to see me inside.
- Cover Girl Irina Lossenko - (Estonia)
I see it as a great addition to the many paid-to-publish magazines out there and I like how the magazine is developing. The contents are creative and feature a lot of hardworking people.
- Model Rikke Søgaard - (Denmark)
Je connais votre magazine depuis peu, je le trouve intéressant pour les professionnels de la mode et bien réalisé, bonne continuation à vous !
I know your magazine recently, I find it interesting for fashion professionals and well done, good continuation to you, success!
- Make-up artist Kat Barth - (Belgium)
I really like the magazine, because it shows a lot of different kinds of beauty, different personalities and not only these “beauty standards”.
- Model Jaquelen Silva - (Los Angeles)
I think this magazine is so amazing an inspiration for many people who want to be a involved in modeling to be confident and fight for themselves also for me to learn many things from other models and know many fantastic models and gain life and career opportunities
- Model Prapassara Chingsana - (Thailand)
Very nice, and full of great pics. Maybe an ispiration
- Photographer Simone Favilli - (Italy)
Well, I think it’s quite fantastic! It’s amazing to be able to find you on the site, thank you very much. :)
- Photographer Aleksandra Buca - (Poland)
Modellen Land magazine is real cool, I love that you all have created a platform
for people to both view and get to know the models.
- Model Sharné Georgianna - (Netherlands)
I love it! What a great place to display art from all over the world! I am honored to be featured! :)
- Model Dasha Usova - (Salt Lake City)
I really love the idea of uniting the people from the photography and photography related area. Presenting them and their talents to the world is an awesome thing to do.
- Photographer Agnieszka Maurea – (Poland)
I really liked the style and content of the magazine, and also the initiative to give opportunities for several talents in different nationalities, I'm a fan of diversity so I really enjoyed the magazine
- Photographer Sara lee - (Netherlands)
My first impression is that it’s a great opportunity for models, photographers and other artistic people to be known outside the frontiers we live in.
- Photographer Gaëlle Spaas - (Belgium)
It’s a great way to keep up on photographers, models, etc from all over the world.
- Model Sofie G. Hansen - (Denmark)
I like that you give people the opportunity to tell the story. Story of their lives. We have so many talented people all over the world. Thanks to such places as your magazine does not have to write anymore for themselves, they do not have to hide in a room to which no one would hit. Trust me, you're doing a good job.
- Model Marta Sara Blanka - (Poland)
I love it. You guys make an incredible work!
- Model Tara Salas - (Denmark)
Modelland is a nice magazine and I am happy about getting the chance for a collaboration.
- Photographer Nick Lauckner - (Germany)
I think it is amazing that Modellenland Magazine offers young models/photographers/make-up artists etc. a platform where they can show off their hard work to the rest of the world.
So thank you for featuring me, I appreciate it a lot!
- Model Claudia de Wilde - (Netherlands)
I have few Facebook friends who have had their works published in Modellenland. It would be an honour to be published by a magazine which presents artists work so professionally. Modellenland Magazine in layout and approach is great for artists like myself. I am appreciative of being featured; at the same time I also enjoy reading about fellow creatives.
- Photographer An La - (Australia)
Ik ben blij dat ik een artikel krijg in dit magazine, het ziet er allemaal prachtig uit! En volgende keer ga ik voor de covershoot ;-)
- Model Elise Van Vlaanderen - (Belgium)
It's divine!
- Model Kelly Klein - (London)
I enjoy reading your interviews with authors and participants of sessions. Because it’s not only the image that is important, but also the information about how someone carries out their ideas and projects.
Publication on a high level, clear artwork. Generally a big PLUS.
- Photographer Remi Dąbrowski - (Poland)
yeah great stuff! great stuff for people in fashion, art business, for people who loves photography and not only. Its magazine for cool people thats for sure :) I am happy to be part of this magazine. I wish long life for this magazine and greetings for readers.
- Model Solveiga Mykolaityte - (New York)
I really like the magazine, because it shows a lot of different kinds of beauty, different personalities and not only these “beauty standards”.
- Cover Model Lara Macra - (Germany)
I find all pictures in the magazine of very high quality. Therefore I feel very honoured to be a part of it.
- Photography Shades of Beauty - (Austria)
I absoloutley love this magazine! It’s such an honor to be the cover of an incredible magazine full of such talent.
- Model Ghazal Gill - (San Francisco)
Es ist ein tolles Magazin. Ein Treffpunkt für Fotografen und Modellen.
- Photographer Heike Suhre - (Netherlands)
I really like the magazine. It's cool that there is a place where you can find inspiration both as a professional but also as an amateur. And also a place where there is room for different types and talents. Hopefully it can also help me meeting a lot of new people and people that have the same desires as you. I'm proud to be a part of it so thank you so much for the opportunity.
- Model Julie Kristine Moeller Johnsen - (Denmark)
I like the diversity and the quality of the photos Also it’s great to give exposure to emerging artists
Thank you for the interview and wish you all the best with the magazine
- Photographer Tasos Anestis - (Greece)
Tof initiatief
- Model Tarra Koppers - (Netherlands)
I'm happy to have discovered your magazine;with your work you give a chance to photographers and models to emerge and look for ward to something,this is a completely impossible on other magazines.Continue in this way,my compliments.’
- Photographer Marco Tacca – (Italy)
C'est un très chouette magazine je conseille toutes personnes à venir le lire
- Model Anais Perdieu - (Belgium)
Its an awesome magazine, with great photos from photographers around the world. But what I really like is their goal to really get to know the photographers they publish.
- Photographer Nicki Astrup - (Denmark)
Ik vind het een geweldig blad ! Altijd leuke interviews en heel goed om jezelf voor te stellen als model, fotograaf en makeup artist. Ook omdat modellenland er veel foto's bij zet en je de kans geeft om te laten zien wie jij bent
- Model Fiorella de vos - (Netherlands)
I think it is an amazing opportunity to share photographers and models works from different countries and discover news faces.
- Photographer Zoé Roulon - (France)
I think it is an inspiring magazine, because there are so many talented photographers, models and make up artists. The interviews are exciting to read, because you get some insight in other people’s career.
- Model Anne Sofie - (Denmark)
Ich finde das Magazin wundervoll und einzigartig. In Anbetracht der vielen tollen Modelle in eurer Zeitschrift, fühle ich mich sehr geehrt nun selbst einmal darin erscheinen zu dürfen. Vielen Dank!
- Cover Girl Lea Jones - (Switzerland)
Love it! As it shows so many different photographic styles and that is definitely a huge source of inspiration.
- Photographer Martin Duerr - (Germany)
Tolles Konzept! Eine große Chance für Models, Fotografen, Makeupartisten ihre Arbeiten und vor allem sich selbst vorzustellen.
- Model Melanie Christina - (Austria)
I saw it for the very first time relatively recently, just a few issues ago. And to make things short, I like it. It looks really professional, with a modern style and – according to what I previously said – it’s one of my inspirations! Your magazine give me a chance to see a lot of amazing, talented people who I’ve never seen before.
- Photographer Monika Łasicka - (Poland)
Great design, carefully selected photos and a printed version is a big plus.
- Photographer Krzysztof Kamiński - (Poland)
I think the idea behind the magazine is just amazing -let talented people share their stories and get inspired by the experience of others in the industry! Fashion industry is harsh and Modellen Magazine is doing a great job uniting artists from all over the world celebrating their success and achievements.
- Model Ksenia Ocheredko - (New York)
I find it very interesting
- Photographer Andrea Sartore - (Spain)
I think it's a great idea to show undiscovered talents to the world.
- Model Agatha Maksimova - (France)